Monday, April 11, 2011

Ace And His Drumstick

My dad bought a pack of frozen vegeterian drumsticks and they are Ace's current favourite.. every other day, he would ask for his chicken drumstick....

The other day, because my dad cooked mostly spicy food and so he steamed three chicken drumsticks for Ace..

After he finished the drumsticks, he decided to wash the sticks and play with them.. somehow, at Gong Gong's direction, he learnt how to "knock" a toothpick into the stick and formed a T shape...

When I wanted to go out to buy some snacks, Ace wanted to come along as well and brought along his T shaped structure.. one in each hand...

I asked him why he brought these along.. "So difficult for me to hold your hand leh.. and hor.. when people see you, they will wonder why this boy is so funny..." I told him..

"I am not funny lor.. I am creative boy!" he retorted...


PS: We wanted to buy a snack from the NTUC express at the Esso station near our place... cos it is newly opened but i found tat the snack I wanted is very ex there lor.. so we walked furthur down to NTUC tobuy the snack.. in the end, I bought the snack at $1 but Ace saw a tin to give donations and said he wanted to donate one dollar.. so and we still paid the same amt but we were both glad we saved the $1 for the people in Japan by just walking a little bit more:)

Previous Post: Ace's Art Class

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