Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Story Of The Prodigal Son

I have been attending Family Constellation workshops and these workshops are workshops tat resolve problems in your life through realigning the positions of the souls in your family system.

During the workshops, i realized that many people are unable to lead their own proper lives because they are unconsciously bogged down by what is going on between their parents. So many people carry extra burden in their life because they are unable to leave their parents' problems to their parents and carry it on themselves as excess baggage in life...

So leh, as I always confide in Ace my emotions and feelings (since I figured he can tell through my energy and expression.. so rather than have him guess if it is his fault, I rather tell him straight), I was also afraid tat he will want to carry it on as his own problem..

So the other day, I took effort to explain to him that his listening ear is the best help he can offer me. And should there be any issue between me and his daddy, it is our issue and he can leave it to us, we can sort it out and it has nothing to do with him...

Somehow though, it struck a chord in him and he huggged me tight and said, "Sorry sorry sorry Mummy! So sorry sorry sorry..."

I asked him what he was saying sorry for and he said that he is sorry that he caused daddy to go to dubai... I asked him why he thought so and he said tat daddy went to dubai because he has been a naughty boy...

So I hugged him and told him he is a good boy and daddy went to dubai because it was his choice.... it has nothing to do with Ace...

"No no no..." he insisted and started to wave his legs and arms in anger..."I hate myself, I hate myself! I hate myself!" he said...

So I hugged him and told him to stop. I told him that I love him very much and daddy love him very much.. but if he does not love himself.. it makes us very sad...

And then I asked him if he has ever heard the story of the Prodigol Son.... this is a biblical story that talks about how a son wasted away the riches that his father had given him and was ashamed to go back to his father because he felt he had made his father sad and had disgraced his father. But when he approached his house, his father welcomed him with open arms happily.

I asked Ace if he knew what was the moral of the story... and then I explained to him that the moral of the story is tat children are treasures to their parents. NO matter how good or bad or what a child does, a parent will always love their children...

And as a child, the way to honour their parents and their love is to lead their own lives happily... like one of my teachers said... chidren are like arrows.. who are here to go farther than their parents.

So I say.. lead your lives fully, be happy, only then will you be able to truly make your parents happy! :)

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