Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I Am So Angry!

The other day, I was checking FB on my iphone on the bed and Ace was beside me trying to be a KPO...

I chanced upon this photo that a friend posted and when Ace saw this photo, he got very upset..

And his comment that followed really surprised me...I was not aware he can express himself in this way or that he would or could say these things...

He says he is very angry n told me. "i am so angry with these people, how can these nasty people do these things to the dog.... I love animals... If they dun love animals then dun love lah... Why they have to do this to the dog... I am very angry.. I want to go and call the police.."

The part that surprised me is the "If they dun love animals then dun love lah.. why do they have to do this?" I am just surprised that he has this type of logical thinking too and that he is aware that it is ok not to like something or someone but it is not right to hurt them...

Previous Post: National Day At Kinderland

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:04 AM

    why the ah yee wear sunglass in the classroom?!

