Sunday, October 23, 2011

Circuit Training With Ace

Everyday, when my son comes home, I will ask him about his day in school and what he did and what he learnt. Initially, he always tells me that he has forgotten or that he didn't do anything...

I found out that perhaps the things he learnt are soft skills and things he learn from playing (cos he keeps saying his school does not have any lesson.. everyday just play and go playground..) and so he does not equate them to things he has learnt.. even though they have already been input into him...

Anyway, the other day, he came home after a P.E lesson day and so I asked him what he did for PE and he said he did alot of different types of exercise... I asked him to show it to me and he says he needed this music and he started singing the song to me... it was a familiar tune but I couldnt quite put my finger on where I heard it...

So leh, I went online to a voice recognition website where they can tell you what song it is based on you recording the song as you hum it... and after a few tries, we finally found out that it is called Eye of The Tiger... (I think it is used in the Rocky movies)...

And then Ace went on to show me the many exercises that he did... and it turns out that it was just a circuit exercise..wahahahaha... and it was totally hilarious!

Anyway, I took pictures of it but found tat it is more effective to share it on video and so I asked Ace if he could do it again for me to video and he did:) BUT on top of doing the exercise, he also asked kids not to follow him unless they did PE...

Buay tahan lor.. so ZHUAI!

Just to put him in place, his dad showed him an actual circuit exercise and then he realized that his exercise is only small case.. hahahahaha

Anyway, here's the video of Trainer Ace showing off his circuit exercises...

Previous Post: The Sneakers Family

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