Thursday, December 29, 2011


As always, there has to be a post about food right:) We are singaporeans living in Dubai:)

Anyway, during the Winter Solace, we made some aballing with peanut soup...

Before you get very impressed.. let me inform you that this aballing are pre made ones we bought from the chinese supermarts with peanut inside them.. the peanut soup were bought from the same supermart... the only thing I did to make this is boil water and boil the aballing and boil the peanut soup to heat it after I added water to make it less sweet:)

Anyway, my sis sent me a pic of a red tang yuan.. it is the type my grandma will make for us during dong zhi.... some pink and some white in brown sugar syrup... made me feel warm and tingly all over.. I so miss my family at that moment when I saw this photo....

Too bad grandma is already old and has alheizmer.. I guess she might not remember this but i am sure my cousins all do:)

On a side note, my grandma had a bad fall and used her arm to break her fall... she escaped with just a hairline crack on her arm and it doesnt seem to pain her much but her whole arm is blue black lor... when my sis sent me a photo, I felt so heart pain for her.. But me and Ace sent her lots of love.. hope tat when we get back during CNY, her hand will get much better...

Anyway, Max was given this at work.. it is some sort of indian sweet.. he brought home for me to try.. they are horribly sweet! I dunno how anyone can eat this! After really just trying a little bite of everything, I threw it away... thank you to whoever gave max this.. I am sorry I wasted your food but your kind intentions are very much appreciated even though I still dunno how to appreciate indian sweets:)

Nowadays, on wkends, the NAKED chef gets bz in the kitchen.. this is a typical weekend breakfast the the naked chef makes for us:)

Ace loves it:) Cos it is like his Mc D breakfast:)

This is naked chef and his creations:)

And of cos I must reciprocrate right? Ladies and gentlemen... presenting.... CHua Family Cai Tow Kway! One of Ace's fav dinner options now:) wahahahah

This one is Chai Tow Kway BLACK:) waahhaahahah

I din make the kway though.. max brought it home from his sgp trip.. this cny will wanna buy more:)

Anyway, while we are on the subject of food.. i saw these durians for sale at the supermart but Max says no smell one.. sure no nice.. so cannot buy one.. cant wait to go back sgp man:) Durian party anyone?:P

Anyway, my later experiment is peanut shake.. I tried grounded peanut with ice and milk... it taste good but is still not the same as the one we tried at the bubble tea house in IC.. it is not thick.. I am going to try using real peanut butter with vanilla ice cream the next time.. wahhha.. when I successful then tell you okie?:P Anyway, this version is still a fav breakfast option with Ace:)

Previous Post: Hard Rock Cafe Dubai

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