Tuesday, May 01, 2012

April 2012

Random photos taken in the month of April...

First and foremost, my food photos! :P After baking a few cakes, I finally sort of understood my oven better... Top is the first baked rice I baked and the lower two are the second one i baked... and because I finally understood my oven.. I finally can make the cheese crispy just the way me and Max like it..

Remember there was this period where I was so bored I actually translated many receipes from the Japanese entertainment show, 25 Hours? Finally put what I earnt to good use... white sauce spaghetti:)

Finally decide the shred that packet of chin chow in my fridge which meant I had black white for brunch the next day... home made soya milk with chin chow:) yumz!

When Max went to Singapore, he brought some shanghai dumpling wrap.. I dunno wat gave him the idea to buy tat but since we have it at home.. I decided to make soe dumplings:) We made dried dumpling noodles for Ace and dumpling soup for me and max for dinner:) The soup was yummiliciuos cos I used the sweet sweet corn (kernals already in Ace's tummy) to make base...

Ace's sunny breakfast.. havent been making this sort of breakfast for him for a long time so when he requested it, i was happy to oblige:) Notice the sunny side up is a perfect round shape? It is all thanks to Charlotte who passed me her mini pan for frying eggs:)

And then my son tried to be sunny.. he started singing the Mr Bean theme song and put a "napkin" (actually his jacket) round his neck before he started eating it.. wahahaha:)

Also baked chocolate chiffon cake with chocolate chips....

That is probably the last time I will take picture of the early morning sky in dubai for quite a while.. cos starting this term, Max will send Ace to school... and at the time of the picture, I would still be snoring in bed:) wahahahahah

Went shopping and saw this doll.. what were the manufactuers thinking??!! How can you name a doll Chou Chou.. it either means "smelly" or "ugly"... neither are very flattering.. wahahahah:)

Saw these diff Angels and so took picture of them cos they all look so cute:)

Was reading xiaxue's blog the other day and found out that she has got purple hair.. guess it is the IN colour now:) hahaha

Resting while waiting for Max to pick us up.. and I can smell MLM from a mile off.. saw these three people and my radar auto picked up the MLM signal... when I sat down and listend to them, I realized that I am right.. they were talking about complan and drawing circles! hahaha. when I told Max later, he said MLM is illegal here and these pple are very brave to do this in such an open location...

Saw this shop tat sells really cute t shirts n PJs.. Max says this one with teh pink bow on her head looks ilke me.. where got.. i so cute and pretty wor!

Max showing off his arm strength and Decathelon:)

Rain in Dubai... Think the ah neh who washes our car is going to hate us for going out to dinner at this time of the day:) wahahahah

Car with stupid sign inside.. really looking for trouble I tell you...

Love letter from my son to me and Max:) So sweet ya.. hope he still remembers this when he grows up!:)

Max has got HAIR! Albeit.. not much... wahahahaha...
This gadget I saw in Virgin Megastore is cool! You just put your ipad inside and can play games like you are at the arcade:)

Saw this interesting lorry on the road.. cute:)

When I went to pick Ace up from the school bus, the sky was dark and it seems like there is some fire or smoke coming from somewhere... Went home and googled and found out that a ship by the creek had caught fire... Max intially thought it was going to rain and realized it is smoke, as it seemed to come from the direction of our house, he got worried and called home to make sure we are alright;)

The bird in my carpark disappeared for a few week.. and then suddenly, it came back and built a different nest in a different part of the carpark...

But leh,  a few days later, the bird decided tat the original nest is better (I think not so warm) and so back it went to the original nest...

I know tat Ah neh got culture to hold hands one... BUT after being in a place where indian is majority population for 8 mths, this is the first time I get to see this!:) wahahahah

Okie, tat's all.. cos I was away a whole week this month.. so I think this is as interesting as it gets:)

Previous Post:Ace's Class Photos

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