Monday, August 06, 2012

Do Good Deeds Day

Today is "do good deeds" day.. Ace found a pair of Oakley sunglasses on the bus and I got him to pass it to the bus driver in case the owner calls up the bus company to ask about it. The bus driver thanked Ace for his civic mindedness and honesty.

Then at mac donalds, two teenage boys dropped their earphones on the floor and I sent Ace to inform them about it...  Alas, the two teenage boys did not even say "Thank You" to Ace which prompted our friend who was with us to ask, "Why bother? " (since the kids these days seem to be a rude bunch).

I told Ace that not saying thank you when someone helps you is unacceptable behaviour... but at the same time, helping others is about YOU giving and extending a helping hand.. doesnt matter if they do thank you or reciprocate:) If they do, it's great.. if they dun, it's fine and that doesnt stop us from wanting to lend our helping hand again:)

Talking about doing good deeds, an ardent fan of advertisements, Ace has been declaring that it only takes a second to be kind... (as he has watched the kindess movement ads) and so, when he starts his spy club, he is going to test them on their kindness level...

According to Ace, the ultimate test of kindness is whether they pretend to fall asleep when they are sitting on the reserved seat on the MRT! Wahahahahahaha...

I told him though that there is no need to do this test cos kindness is not a requirement or skill to be learnt.. it is something everyone should do everyday, all the time:)

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