Thursday, November 01, 2012

Pink And Red

It is Breast Cancer Awareness month and there are many activities in Dubai that promotes this.. one of them is a sewing marathon aimed at making 400 pieces of support pillows and sling bags for breast cancer patients in hospitals...

When a friend asked me if I would like to take part in the volunteer event to sew things, I agreed.. even though I am not much of a sewer...

So I left Ace and Max at home and happily went on my MISSION... hahahaha

As I arrived at a different timing.. I was put at the cushions table. Initially, I was asked to place the ribbons the at the end. Gradually, I mastered a few different jobs and learnt to trace the design on cloth, iron clothe, cut out cloth, place in the ribbons and I think I must have contributed to the making of some 50 cushions at least:) hehehe

My friends who arrived later were i the sling bags department... I think their job is much tougher as the item is much smaller:)

This is the amount of work being done after half a day:)

Team Singapore:) We were somehow all in pink or purple...:P

I was informed that there is going to be a "Singapore Food and Steamboat party in E's house... and it will take place after the Sew Pink sew-athon and so I decided to experiment with making pandan cake on the Happy Call Pan. If I succeed.. it will be my contribution to the party... if I fail, then well, we will just eat it anyway:) wahahahaha

It turned out to be not too bad leh ;)

We brought our own vegerterian hotdog, siew mai and su liao for the steamboat...

Host provided veggies...

cai tow kway.....
Egg toufu....
mushroom and corn....

While I provided other than my pandan cake...

A waiter!:)

And a greedy boy who, when asked to pose for a photo only could see the food and forgot to pose!

And here is something you wouldnt expect to find in Dubai.... PIG TROTTERS!

 Host also provided some dishes like prawns...

 And san bei chicken! SLURP! And also CHICKEN RICE!

 But Ace is happiest with the juice drink!:)
 After dinner, still can order milo or coffee made with her wonder machine called Nespresso... Max asked got design on top or not...

 And this is the special design he got...

 What does it look like leh?:P

Meanwhile, Ace Chua just dam happy to entertain himself and even performed Oppa gangnam style for everyone as after dinner performance:)

Not long after my Singapore food party... I found out about an event by the Singapore Women's Group here... It was a bak zhang demo.. curious about how to make bak zhang (cos max loves to eat the vegeterian ones) and also finally having at least ONE kaki as in one person I sort of know.. I decided to go lor...

It turned out to be some sort of big cook out.. when i arrived, everyone was bz helping out frying things or cooking things in the kitchen...

That is our teacher teaching how to tie the zhang..

The reciepe.. actually this is nonya zhang..

Then it was time to eat... and have fun..

That is the president of the women's group with our teacher..

Buffet time!:)

Afterward there was even a line dance session:)

It was quite fun to meet so many singaporeans and I made a few new friends.. one whom I later found out is the would-be consulate general's wife. So I asked her the question I have always wondered about ambassadors and their wives.. did they get classes on how to dress and how to throw parties? Her reply.. "Nope, you learn everything on the job..."

This is the zhang that we made. I tried one and it was not too bad. But it is a little small since they using bamboo leaves that are very small here.. so only the size of a kee zhang.. tak shiok BUT good for cutting calories:) whahahaha...

Anyway, must make special mention and thank Reyna who invited me to the party... and even picked me up and sent me home even though she didn't stay very close to me at all! Thanks, Reyna!:)

Previous Post: Fireworks Again!

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