Saturday, May 04, 2013

Into The Woods

Ace came home the other day and said he wanted to go and watch his school musical...

Some months back, Ace came home and said that his school is going to put up a musical.. they actually do so every year and last year, we did not watch because it was in the evening and I find it a hassle to get to school on my own...

And then this year, because Ace had some friends performing and because the teacher in charge is one of his fav teachers- Mr M... so he kept bugging me initially to let him audition..

I couldnt though.. because it requires weekly practice and I was not ready to fetch him every week as I am much more tired now that i work...

So he bugged me to bring him to watch the performance instead.. and so I did..

I was totally bowled over by the performance.. Max was supposed to play football but decided to join us last min and he was also very impressed!:)

THe children sang so well and they acted very well too.. almost as good as those adults performing in the malls lor! And the musical was sooooooooo long:)

THere were so many funny moments too!

I asked Ace if he would like to take part next year, he says he just likes to watch...

I think just as well.. he wouldnt stand a chance with his singlish accent! wahahaha..

But one thing is that some of them had really thick accents I had a problem trying to understand what they were saying..

Like there was this character who was the boy who cried wolf.. I kept wondering why he came up and said FROG or FOX or something.. and Ace told me later that he was the boy wh cried wolf an dhe was acting like an idiot.. so he said.. "FWOLF..." And i tot he said FOX lor!


Previous Post: Ace's First Porsche

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