Sunday, September 15, 2013

I Broke My Bottle

Sometimes I think my son is very 不可思议 (incredible)...

In my life, I think he is the FIRST person I met who can break his water bottle on the 4th day of school.... sigh... Last term just lost 3 bottles in 2 weeks and now break one on 4th day of school.. other than 不可思议, i really dunno how else to describe him..

Today he came home from school and told me that he broke his water bottle in school and so his teacher gave him a bottle of mineral water to last through the day.

When I heard that, I was already sighing in my heart liao... and when I asked him for details I started to get real angry and disappointed lor...

Turns out that Ace was playing tag with his friends and because he was a slow runner, it was always IT.. and kept having to catch the others. So he got upset and said he didn't want to play anymore and dropped his school bag on the ground.. causing his water bottle to BREAK!

The bottle looked like it was made of pretty sturdy plastic leh! So my guess is he did not DROP his bag as he said but THREW it on the ground. (upon closer inspection, I realize the bottle is made of cheap plastic and was very thin...)

WHichever the case, I am really disappointed with him...

I asked him how many times I have told him to feel his anger and not act it out... "2000 times..." he replied..

"Yeah.. there abouts.." I agreed. Say 2000 x leh, still dun want to listen..  what can i say??

I asked him what will he think of a boy who behaved like he did and whether he will like to play with someone who always gets into a tantrum.. and he said he wouldnt want to play with a boy like that..

"Is that who you are? Or is that who you want to be?" I asked him. Ace shook his head..

"Tell me who you are..." I said to him...

"I am polite, hardworking, kind, generous, good boy, good in sports.."

"Yes, I like all these things you said and I think you are too... pls remember what you have said..." I told him... and then Ace said he was sorry and hugged me...

Then he confessed that he also got into trouble in school today.. he did not pay attention during his music lessons and asked his music teacher a question he has already answered... so leh, his form teacher made him write an apology letter about not paying attention during lesson...

orh bee good.. Another thing I told him a 1000x...

I asked him if he knew wat was his job or duty as a student... he says he knows.. it is to listen to his teacher and pay attention in class... 

Then I asked him if he realized that he always gets into "trouble" in school based on things I remind him constantly but refuses to change.. "How many times you want to be punished before you change?" I asked him..

And he said "ONE!"

Sigh.. hope he really remembers the lesson well and i pray the other bottles will have a longer "lifespan".

PS: I posted the picture on FB and someone suggested that I let him use a METAL BOTTLE.. which incidentally.. I DID:) wahahahaa.. my mum gave Ace a metal bottle she got for teachers day...  Happy to announce that the METAL BOTTLE is still good..

ONLY thing is that the bottle has a PINK CAP and looks a little girlish.. I asked Ace if he minded or that if his friends will laugh at him...  He said they did ask him why is his bottle pink... "But so what? I don't care! It is ok to have a pink bottle.." he insisted.. and then he told me that "No one laughed at me because they all understand it is ok to have a pink bottle. We are all big boys now and we understand that and won't laugh at other people about that."

Wah... like sibey mature like that.. BIG  BOYS leh:) hahaha..

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