Friday, September 27, 2013

The Very Worried Teacher

Ace asked me if I could be his chinese dictionary because he says it takes such a long time for him to read the chinese comprehension passage using the ipad as a dictionary as he has many words that he has forgotten as this is the first assesement chapter he is doing after his 2 month long holiday.

So I sat down and went through the comprehension passage with him.

The passage is about a teacher who noticed that her students were all not paying attention in class and so she asked her class, "If the students are not paying attention during class, what can they learn?" And so the students said they can just go home and ask their mothers or siblings. And the last sentence asked you if you thought what the students say is correct.

I decided to let Ace practice his thinking skills and his chinese oral skills and started to have a conversation with him in Chinese...

Me: 你觉得同学们说的对吗?

Ace: 不对。

Me: 为什么?上课如果不专心会怎么样?

Ace: 上课如果不专心,会学不到东西,成绩就会不好,以后就找不到好的工作,会没有钱。

(I was waiting for him to say it is rude not to pay attention in class)
Ace: 上课专心的人就会有好的工作,会赚很多钱。就会有跑车,有很大的房子。

At this point I had to think about what to say to him. He is not wrong in that you need to pay attention to your teacher to learn. But I am not sure if it leads to good results or a good job, but to be really rich and successful, just paying attention in class is not enough. I decided that it will be too much to have a conversation about such chim things in chinese for him. And so I said...

Me: 那么,为什么你做功课时每次都不专心。你不想有好的成绩,有好的工作,赚很多钱,买大房子,大汽车吗?

Ace: 我要,但是我不喜欢华文。

Me: 可是这是你必须学习的其中一样东西。你说的有一些道理,但是我还没有听到那个我想着的答案。如果你是老师,而你的学生们上课时都不专心,你会怎么样,会有什么感受?

Ace: 我会很担心,担心他们的成绩,担心他们以后会没有钱。

Me: 为什么担心他们又没有钱?

Ace: 应为他们的爸爸妈妈以后会老,他们需要照顾爸爸妈妈。如果没有钱,怎么买好吃的东西给爸爸妈妈吃,怎么买东西给他们,怎么照顾他们?

I was suitably impressed when he said that. I was already surprised when he said he will be worried for his students.. and even more so when I realize he think until so far and even think for his student's parents! hahaha

Me: 还有呢?假如你是老师,学生都不专心听你教书,你会怎么样?你会难过吗?

Thinking he can finally say the "it is very rude" answer.. since he just kenna detention in class the other day to write apology for not paying attention during his music lessons.

Ace: 会,我会难过,因为他们会没有钱, 很惨。

Me: 除了难过之外,还有呢?

Ace: 我会担心。

Me: 你又担心什么?

Ace: 担心他们被他们的父母打!


Like what Ace says, this is really an EPIC answer! Hahahah..

Well, upon reflection, I wonder if all my nagging about him not concentrating when doing homework is taking effect and I also wonder if the effect is GOOD or BAD. Seems like he did gather some things from my constant repeats and nagging and I am really glad he has a kind heart and seems to value taking care of one's parents... But I am slightly worried that he thinks that if study, you will get good grades and earn alot of money to get a big car and big house.. I mean, life is not all about money ,cars and houses.. I know that now...

But I am also worried that he thinks if you dun study, you wun get any money.. which might not be true as well.. hahahahaha :)

I think the crux is to give your all, no matter what you do. I am glad we had this conversation. :)a

PS: As I reflected on his answers.. it also could be that he is limited by his vocab.. so everything also link back to the same idea. I not so worried for his oral now.. at least he knows how to 举一反三!:P

PPS: Despite all that he has said, he is still not paying attention during school (kenna another detention because never pay attention in class and have to write apology letter and took like 2 hours to write 5 words 5 times each.. can you beat that!!!??) Sigh.. I can only PRAY...

Previous Post: Sending Ace To School

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