Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Ganma Evon and Gandie Kev Visits Ace

As Ganma Evon and Gandie Kev are always travelling, we usually only get to see them like once a year.

But since we have relocated to Dubai, we havent had a chance to meet up with them at all.

We sort of tried to arrange on and off but it just did not happen.. and then they tried to visit us in Dubai.. but it also could not happen.. godma Evon was so excited when she finally found out that she could make a trip to Singapore while we were there...

And yes, these doting godparents flew from msia to sgp to meet their godson just for one day and fly back again...

Before they arrived, I asked Ace if he remembered them. He says he remembers their name but not very much about them.. But like long time friends.. their hearts are somewhat linked and he soon warmed up to them :)

Even though the meet up was short, they had lots of time playing with each other:)

Then of course Ace din forget to haolian and take out his camera to take photos:)

This trip, we also got to meet up with his other godmas but too bad most meet ups were short and he did not really get to have a chance to spend alot of time with them...

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