Wednesday, February 26, 2014

It's Very Emotional!

Ace came home from school today with a big bandage on his knee.

I asked him what happened and he said he fell when he was playing tag with his friends cos he was running faster than Usain Bolt (the world's fastest runner).

"And then as I was running, F can to tap me.. but he shouldnt have been tapping me in the first place because I was running faster than Usain Bolt... and then as he tagged me, I closed my eyes... F told me that I tripped over something and then I fell down on the concrete pavement and even hurt my arm... it was sooooooooooo painful... before I know it, my friends started to gather around me... F said they should send me to the nurse and C said they should tell the teacher first... and then they started to quarrel over me..."

"I don't want to see them quarrel because they are such good friends and so I told them 'It's ok, I will go by myself..' and I tried to stand up and walk.. and as I walked I started crying..."

I was expecting that he was going to say he is crying from the pain... but instead.. Ace said, "...I started crying because  I felt so loved by my friends and that my friends care for me so much.."

I gave Ace a question mark look with half a smile on my face.. cos I was thinking... "Huh.. like that ALSO can cry ah..."

"What?!" retorted Ace indignantly. "It was so emotional you know..."

So I gave him a hug lor..

Anyway, he says that his friends were super nice to him the rest of the day. Someone (he dunno who) helped him pack his bag, someone helped him pack his work. In short, he was treated like royalty for the rest of the day. One of his friends remarked that it must be so good to be injured... and that he wished he was injured so everyone treats him this nice...

Ace says though, that he wish this never happened because it is painful and quite a pain in the ass to bath and zzz at night with this wound...

Anyway, I hope this experience helps Ace understand also why he should always help and treat people nice especially when they are down and out because one good turn deserves another and it really makes the person feel very good lor:)

PS: On a side note, Mr Very Emo also has been "almost going to cry" since our trip back from Singapore. Cannot mention any of our family members in Singapore or anything remotely related.. "Can you stop saying that, I am going to cry already..." he will ask with his lips trembling. And then the other day when we were doing lou hei, the sight of it reminded him of the family so much that he broke down and cried...
Never met a more emo little boy lor! wahahaha.. no wonder I was an emotional wreck in the first two months of pregnancy when I was not yet aware that I was pregnant! wahahahaha..

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