Thursday, March 27, 2014

X Needs To Grow Up Man

Hahaha... Today Ace came home and told me someone else needs to grow up! As if he is all grown up like that... wahahaha :)

Out of nowhere, while watching tv, Ace told me, "X needs to grow up man..." I asked him what happened and apparently, there was a little girl in the younger classes who liked to hold X's hands and also likes to beat him...

So Ace and H teased X and said, "Love birds, love birds, love birds..."

And X got upset lor.. and said he is going to tell on them to the teacher. He apparently walked away and Ace assumed he went to tell the teacher.

"X needs to grow up man. He can't even handle something small like a joke.." Ace said while looking annoyed.

I explained to him that this is the same as him getting annoyed with L when he said that Ace and E are boyfriend and girlfriends because they chat alot more. A few months back, a school closed down and some of the students were sent to Ace's school.

Because of that, Ace had a few new additions to his class.

E is from Malaysia. But she has been here since she was a toddler. But she understands Ace's accent and they talk about how both their parents love Korean Drama :) wahahaha...  I think Ace feels closer to her since they have like common culture and heritage. They even try to converse in mandarin! Just like how I always feel like my malaysian friends in DUbai are my countrymen of a different "state".

So they have been chatting more frequently and I think she is the only girl that Ace talks to frequently. If not, he sticks with the boys. And so L teased Ace and Ace was annoyed and did not like it.

"But it is different. L was not teasing or joking. We were mah.." Ace insisted.

I asked him how is it different when the script is about the same..

He paused for a moment and suddenly realized I seemed to make sense as well before ending with... "But I still think X needs to grow up lah..  We were playing YY game and he lost and he cried because he lost."

If you ask me, I think it is not so much that he thinks X needs to grow up. I think he is just pissed that X went to tell on him and H because of such a small thing:) wahahaha..

But well, I bet they will be best friends again and forget about their squabbles by tomorrow !:)

They did!:) Wahaahhaha... 

Previous Post: Ace's First Failure In Business!

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