Saturday, April 12, 2014

Enlightened Ace

Today, Ace seems to be a super good mood.. and he seems like he has developed linguistically, spiritually and emotionally overnight!

While we were talking about teachers, I shared with him a few anecdotes of the famous teachers in my secondary school....

There was the teacher who cannot pronounce my chinese name Yuanru and always called me Ehn Lu...

Then there is my fantastic Physics teacher who helped me remember till this day.. that lower CG and wider base will make something more stable... BECAUSE THAT IS WHY you squat to shit so you dun fall into the toilet bowl... hahaha..

And then there is Ms OK who liked to end every sentence with "okay?" and whose record was 74 "OKAYS" in one single lesson..

Then there was my chemistry teacher who asked a sleeping student to "pay a-ten-cent" and he really took out a 10 cent coin to give to the teacher...

And last but not least, there is Ms Blur.... who taught us physics and was always asking us to recopy the working or cancel the answer because she got blur and miscalculated!

Ace was really tickled and kept giggling throughout and trying to call me Ehn Lu... he was also very tickled by the blur teacher and commented, "这样的老师都有,真的是太厉害了!" I was so surprised! Firstly, he commented in chinese.. and secondly, in a complete sentence that was grammatically correct... plus he used the words "太厉害了".. Even Max was super impressed lor!

Later in the day, he said he wanted to play a game with me... I asked him what are the rules of the games and he started to describe in very great detail how the game is played.

The game he says is a question and answer game to check how well we understand each there are 10 rounds in the express game... and 50 rounds in the normal game. Each round, we get to ask each other one question about ourselves. If the other person guesses the answer correctly, they get a point. If they get the wrong answer, they minus a point.

He has never planned games with such intricate rules before. It is the first time he actually tells me how many rounds the games is limited by and does not get flustered when I ask him some questions about the rules. Seems like his thought process has matured!

And then we started playing the game and then he asked me, "When is the happiest day of my life..." I gave an answer and he said no... and then I asked him what is the correct answer... and he said...

"Everyday is the best day of my life! Everyday is the best day of your life because it is a one time chance... bad things come and go... Good things will always come..."

Oh my god, such enlightened words! I asked him if he read this somewhere.. and he said no, he thought of it himself!

"Wow! You are very enlightened today..." Max said.. and Ace told me and Max, "Well, I am in a killer mode today..."

Which impressed Max even more.. cos  he used words like "killer mode"..

Seems like my little boy just grew up overnight!

Previous Post: To The Beach We Go!

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