Friday, May 16, 2014

Forward Roll Finally!

Do children grow in spurts?

They probably do...

Suddenly many of Ace's learning challenges that have held him back since YEAR 2 are overcomed THIS WEEK!

For example, they have this thing in their school called the BIG MATH. Big Math is like a very short Math Quiz. If you get 10 out of 10 consecutively for 3 weeks, you will be promoted to the next level..

Since Year 2 (he is in Year 4 now), he has been getting 10/10 once or twice in the whole term. The rest of the time, he always only scores a 7 or a 8. Sometimes it is careless mistake.. sometimes it is cos he doesnt know how to do something.

Apparently, he says he was having problem with a particular type of sum in his level because he did not understand it. No matter how the teacher explained. And then, one fine day, he got it! And then for the past three weeks, he has been scoring 10/10 and so, he has officially been promoted up one level for Big Math..

And then came swimming...

Since year 2, his teacher has always asked us to send him for extra swim lessons.  We actually did so for the first two years but this year, because of some cock up, we did not sign him up for any. Initially in the first term, his teacher still sent me a letter to request that he be sent to extra swim lessons...

We halfheartedly looked for a new swim school but it did not happen and before we know it.. already half the autumn term is gone and that means like last day of sch only few weeks away right.. and we were just saying how come this two terms we did not get a letter for Ace to attend extra lessons. Did the teacher give up liao.. or did Ace improve:) wahahaha..

Today, Ace came home and told me that he is promoted two levels for his swimming.

Swimming they are divided into five levels. Worst ones in level 1, and then you move up in the numbers as you get better... Level 5 being the top level.

Since year 2, Ace has been stuck in level 1... and even after we spent so much money on his extra swim lessons, also no improvement leh.. he still stuck there.

Today, he same he is promoted direct to level 3. Turns out that, he was stuck in Level 1 because he did not fulfill ONE criteria-- that is to do a forward roll.

Today, he finally did two in a row and so he got promoted to level 3 because he already fulfilled all the other criteria!;)

I asked him why he was unable to do it and he said somehow, no matter how his teacher explained, he does not really understand how to do it. PLUS, she asked him to hold his breath and do it and holding his breath while rolling forward in a full circle made him queasy he said...

Today, his friend suggested that he breath out through his nose when he does that... and for some strange reason, he is able to roll forward when he breathes out through his nose!

And so, our good friend just got promoted like tat...

Previous Post: I Am Going To Be Happy Everyday

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