Friday, May 23, 2014

Music Challenge Time

In Ace's school, there is this thing called a Challenge Time. Every semester, during challenge time, if you are thought of as being good in a particular subject, you will get once lesson a week during challenge time on this subject as sort of an exposure to it.

I find this an interesting concept because when I first got to know of it, Ace took part in the SCIENCE challenge time and then, it was from there that his confidence in studying science and his his self perception that he is an "expert" in science started to grow his interest in science.

I think they are rotated around various subjects for different terms.

Anyway, this term, he was allocated challenge time in music and every now and then, he will come home and talk to me about what new muscial instrument he tried out during challenge time.

One session, his music teacher, Mr M, allowed them to try all the different instruments in the music room. Guess which one did Ace try?

He went for the electric guitar!:)

Even though he has been learning classical guitar for a year, he said he still found the electric guitar quite difficult. But he enjoyed himself very much:)

Then a few days ago, Ace came home and told me that his teacher Mr M told him that he is a very good musician... because apparently, that day, Mr M played a song on a xylophone once.. and then the children had to figure out how to do the song after he gives them the first and the last note.

Ace managed to figure out the song...

Another thing his teacher praised him for.. was his ability to know that he made a mistake. Apparently, his teacher says that it is important when you play music that you are aware of a mistake tat you make... some people just play through the whole song and never notice a mistake in one note or two..

And so, Ace is very proud that he is music expert also now:) hahaha..

Anyway, here are two new songs he learnt on his guitar... He played for Max and Max was so happy that he gave Ace permission to buy two trashies (they are this toy called Trash Packs).

After so long of not seeing much improvement, finally he can play some songs that that I can sing! ;)


Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

German Folk Song

Now I am just thinking how I can continue to give him chance to practise the guitar when we are back in sgp for holiday for two months..

Previous Post: Trash Packs Crazy!

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