Thursday, June 19, 2014

Goodbye Dubai: Kidzania

I know Ace is not so good in saying goodbye.

He tends to have strong attachment to things and people and takes it very hard if they leave and is not so good at letting go. I remember there was once where he cried about not getting to say goodbye to the flat we sold.. another time where he was sad he did not say goodbye to Uncle Seng before he died.. so I was worried how Ace will take to saying goodbye to Dubai.

During the 3 years we were in Dubai, there were many opportunities it seems that we might get to go back to Singapore but everytime I told Ace that, he will always show very strong reaction and say he doesn't want to leave Dubai because he will miss his friends here.

Interestingly, this is the only time where he said, "Yeah, then I can be with my family and see them anytime i like!" Perhaps he has matured or perhaps, it was really just the right time to go and we could all feel it inside our hearts.

Still, just to be safe, when things were confirmed and we knew for sure we were headed back home for good, I decided that I needed to come up with a plan to help Ace with saying goodbye. After thinking about it, I decided we will come up with a list of things we wanted to do in Dubai before we left and we will tick off as many as possible before we left.

First in his list, Ace wanted to visit Kidzania again and he was really lucky and won a free ticket to Kidzania with his recycling invention. And so, we decided to visit Dubai Mall and hang out in Kidzania for half a day.

Since it is our last trip, must take more pics with Khalifa... for me, this building is a building tat represents Dubai. Because when we get lost or whereever we go in Dubai, always can see this building somewhere around.. I told Max we should buy a nice picture of Burj Khalifa and put in our house to remember Dubai. Alas, Max's new job was confirmed in such a hurry we did not have the luxury of shopping for a nice picture of Khalifa before we left..

This is our third visit to Kidzania in Dubai.. (First visit in 2011 | Second visit with Annie Godma in 2012) and I was thinking it is going to be a boring trip for me again:) hahaha

First thing you do, go collect money from the bank to get started! Things have changed! The bank inside used to be HSBC and has not changed to Al Hilal Bank..

No prizes for guessing where Ace headed for as his first station! Answer below!

THis time round they had a soccer pitch in the middle as it is world cup and they had a summer camp where children could play soccer:)

Ace going out for his mission..

Sadly, his mission is just to hold on to the red tape to prevent people from going close to the "fire scene" at the one and only "hotel" that is "on fire" every half hour:) hahaha

THat is him posing for some photographer... now they will take photos of you and give you a chit and hope you will buy their photos..

Next stop, time to be a PILOT:)

WHile waiting for him, i just wander around and take pics lah..

We came across this climbing the building thing. The last two times we came, he said he was afraid and did not want to try. THis time round, he decided that he will challenge himself. THe building is quite high and I was a little worried he will be scared..

At first he kept slipping but after a while, he got the hang of it and he was actually quite fast!

I am so proud of Ace that he conquered his fears and climbed so high!

Truth to be told, my heart pik pok pik pok when he was up there!

I think he also felt a strong sense of achievement!

Next stop, the paramedics station where i had to wait half an hour just to get in the other time. Next time I know liao.. go on Friday.. there will be alot of children so it will be fun but it will be far less crowded than the school holidays and so it is a lot less waiting and alot more fun!:)

He has been in this one  a few times so i think he can answer all the questions already!:) wahahaha


Ace super lucky, time for the FIRE at the hotel again so it was a combined thing with policemen and firemen again..

After that, he decided to try the surgeon thing again in the hospital. The hospital looks different now.. i think different sponsor..

Dr Chua.. handsome boh:)

Ace was lucky he met a really good instructor. She made it very fun for them to cut open and take out the diseased liver:) hahaha

Every one got a chance to ZAP the body and the instructor will make the table jump so that the body will jump. So even though Ace was initially hesitant to do this surgeon thing again (he did it once the last time he went), he really enjoyed himself ;) he said it is more fun this time round. I think could be that he is older and appreciates it better...

Next stop, car designer..

But koyak one.. the printer spoil. so take photo of the cert lor :) His orange sports car...

After that, Ace said he wanted to do the dentist station... We arrived when they just started another session and Ace said he doesnt mind waiting..

That is Ace waiting for his turn..

Ace enthusiastically joining in the discussion. The last time he went, they only used toothbrush to brush a dummy's teeth. I think this Colgate sponsored session is better planned. They were given some talk about taking care of their teeth and got to do alot of things..

The guy who hates to brush teeth most gets to DEMO how to brush teeth.. the IRONY!

Next stop, become an interior designer!

They are given a few pictures to choose from.. once they decide on the picture, they have to set up the "living" room to look exactly like the picture. I walked past this station a few times and noticed that for some unknown reason, everytime i walked past, the children always chose the SAME picture!

Hmm... did the picture say red cushions or white??

They allowed me to go in and take group photo with their finished work. Notice how ACE IS THE ONLY BOY? Wahahahhaaha... I think most boys wouldnt want to do that, but i think Ace likes art and design.. so that is why he wanted to try it out..

Next stop, becoming a delivery boy...

I lost him when he was trying to find DEWA to deliver the parcel to! Scared die me.. heng we found each other again..

After that very hungry, so we went to buy Mac Donalds. For a small fee on top of your meal, you get to "make" or rather "pack" your own Happy Meal set..

As you can tell, the jie jie did most of the work:) wahahaha.. Ace just wear the "uniform" and action action only..

BURGER CHEF leh! Aiseh!

Next stop, he went to work in DEWA.. tat is our PUB equivilent.. but is sort of boring, they just sit at the computer and take a quiz only. Other children do halfway and pian jiak and take their money and go.. only my son gong gong sit there and finish the whole thing! whaaahaa..

But I think becos he finished the whole thing, on top of money, they gave him an extra badge:)

Next station, he went to be security...

I saw a sign that says there is a new station called Aero Factory.. i assumed is the making of planes and asked if he wanted to try.. he said ok..

Attending training.. the training is just a video they have to watch..

Moulding the airplane wing..

Wah, wu leng wu hor like tat leh, got smoke even.. But by now, I already know everything in kidzania is just well planned illusion lah.. but i give them points for planning in such great detail..

Check out Ace's expressions! Serious man!

After you fix the wing, can test it one.. someone sit inside and someone outside has to check if the wing can "flap" up and down..


Got employee ID one lor:)

Then Ace said he wanted to go make jewellery..

He said he wanted to make it for me. He chose this because the other one is triangle shaped, "And I was afraid that it will prick your hands.." Very sweet gesture from my thoughtful boy:)

And then leh, Ace wanted to be policeman AGAIN!!!!!!

After that, he decided to go university to STUDY :)

The ending is they made him take a test and told him what sort of careers are more suitable for him. And if he does those careers he gets more money. Alas, not much time left and we couldnt complete the list.

Ace said thirsty wor.. and wanted to do the bottle your own coke thing. Like all other KIdzania station.. is just pattern badminton only lah..

But is very detailed lor.. first time i came, i really tot they were bottling their own coke. hahahaha..

First need to press button for bottle to come down, then have to wash the bottle..

Shine light to check no dirt..

BOttle it with some brown colour liquid..

Cap it and check..

Then put it into "LABELLING MACHINE".. actually this is where the conveyer belt sends this into a basket below and sends out a ready bottled cold coke:)

But of course, that is not what Ace thinks!

We really did not have much time left as Max was coming to pick us.. so Ace decided that he will go climb the building AGAIN:)

At the end of the day, Ace was very disappointed that he cannot find anything that he likes to exchange his kizania kidzzos into.. in the end he decided to keep the "money" as souvenior lor..

But we still had fun lah.. I am glad we ticked this off our GOOD BYE DUBAI list:)

Previous Post: Ace The Lucky Boy

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