Saturday, July 19, 2014

I Thought Of You Too Okay!

For the past 3 days, whenever Ace comes home from school, I will ask him what he bought with his money. Everyday, he will tell me that he has spent money buying this and that.

Even before he started school, I already explained to him that sweet drinks are a no no. They should only be a sometime only treat because:
  1. They are very expensive! Almost as expensive as a meal.
  2. They are bad for health and causes diseases like diabetes (and that is the reason the uncle XX had to cut off his toes)
  3. They will reduce immunity and you become sick easily..
  4. They will make you fat!
So every day, when he comes home.. he would have bought some drink or another.

Day one he bought Kickapo... (because I love kickapo)  Day two he bought green tea (because I never drink it for so long and miss it..)

And everyday, he will tell me he is not going to buy sweet drinks again tomorrow.

Today when I reached home, I saw a Pink Dolphin bottle sitting on the table and asked him why he bought a sweet drink again and he said he missed drinking Pink Dolphin as he hasnt had them in a long time.. Then I had to repeat my LECTURE about WHY SWEET DRINKS ARE BAD to him all over again in more details.

And then after my looooong lecture, he said ok, next week no more. In view of this, I think I will stick to giving him a smaller amount of pocket money because it will mean that he has less to spend on drinks and if he keeps buying drinks, he might not have enough for food:)

Anyway, after I finished my lecture... he told me, "Mummy, actually this one got collagen inside. I left some for you..."

"Wah.. you think this will change my mind about sweet drinks ah?"

"No, I already thought of that when I chose to buy this drink. I already knew there is collagen and that is why I choose this and keep some for you cos I want to share with you.. collagen leh, mummy.."

"You know what collagen is for or not?"

"Yes of course! It is to make you look younger..." he replied.

So I teased him lor.. "So you mean I look very old and need to look younger lah..."

And he had the very dunno wat to say look on his face...

Wahahahahaha...  Ok lah, i appreciate lah.:D

Previous Post:  Even C Knows Better!

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