Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Best In The World Of 40

The other day, Ace came home and gave me and Max a pleasant surprise when he declared that he was TOP IN CLASS for his English test.

Considering that in Dubai, his scored lowest in English... and considering that he did not study or practice much for his test, we were really happy.

Apparently, the test was upon 50 and he scored 44.5. The lowest score in class for that test was 19 and he was pleasantly surprised when his teacher announced that he scored the highest in class too.

When he talked to Max about it.. he was quite haolian lah... hahahaha.. The bad thing about him scoring the highest score was he very yaya papaya lor.. just like the rabbit in the race with the turtle.. wahahaha :)

He asked if we could reward him with money because he said his classmates get $100 everytime they scored more than 70 points in their class test. I told him he can forget it. If he wants that, he has to change parents!:) wahahahaha

I am happy to reward him for something well done. BUT scoring well in his exams is something HE SHOULD DO.. it is his responsibility as a primary school student and a son... not something he should do because he wants to earn more money or because he is going to get rewarded.

But when he do well, I might feel like I want to encourage and reward him and buy him something he likes. That is the way our family will work:) haha..

Interestingly, while he was all boastful to us when he came home, when he went to Yeye's house that night, he was shy to tell Yeye of his achievements. We suspect mostly... it is because HE KNOWS that if he were to tell Yeye, Yeye will reward him with a red packet.. which he really did!:) wahahaha...

Because he was so proud, his dad teased him and told him that he is the BEST IN THE WORLD.. BEST IN THE WORLD OF 40.. cos he only comparing to 40 pax in his class... hahaha.. But of course, we understand he needs to be encouraged.. and so we told him that if he were to score 90 and above in various tests and exams or to score best in class.. every time he did that he gets a star. When he gets 5 stars, his dad will give him permission to buy the Gshock Navy watch that he wanted to buy..

Anyway, haolian people need to learn their lesson.

Few days after Ace became THE BEST IN THE WORLD OF 40, he came home with a test paper he did not dare to ask me to sign till boy pian got to go to bed liao...

He scored 26/50 for the Digestive System topic and when I asked him why he only scored 26 because I dun think that is his best result he can achieve, he told me lowest point is 3 and most of his classmates scored 22+.. so he feels he is average! Faintz!

I told him we need to spend more time to go through with this so that he can get better at it, and then he whine and whine and whine at the thought of doing extra work... 

I had to explain to him that wherever you spend your time, you will get result in that area. If he chooses to spend his time using ipad or loom banding... he will become expert at that.. and so he has to choose if he wants to stay a science expert or become ipad or loom band expert.

He says he wants to be expert in all areas and so in that case, I told him he has to work faster so that he can do more wiht less time.

Had to remind him of the story I heard about the Nobel Prize winner.. who came up with some equation in math. Apparently, when he was younger, he was not so good in math. But he worked hard at it and always encouraged himself to study till late in the night.. when the last student in the hostel switched off their lights, he will push himself to study another 5 minutes more and it is this accumulation of 5 minutes everyday that made him so good in math till he could come up with the equation and win a nobel prize for it:)

Seemed like he take to heart what I explained to him cos he showed much better attitude the next day.

But leh, I am still disturbed that he is easily frustrated and talks rudely all the time. Especially if he sees his cousin get attention from crying and screaming, he will try to do the same. I keep explaining to him that all I ask him to do is for his own good.. and that I am always on his side.. cos I am his mother. I am not his enemy...  This TWEEN age is really challenging man!

PS: I tried to read through the science textbook and the part about digestive system with him. He says it is SO BORING! So I found this book about the human body that I bought when I was still helping people do IRIS SCAN  and there is  detailed explanation of the digestive system... interestingly, he says MY BOOK IS VERY INTERESTING! Hahahaha...  So he read and insists that his dad should read as well because the book says ALCHOHOL IS POISON TO THE LIVER!:) wahaha

Previous Post: Boys Play Loom Bands Meh?

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