Monday, September 01, 2014

He Cannot Sleep There!

The other day, my sister was out and my brother in law also had to work late. So when I was having our  "Wah Banana" time together (me and Ace are fans of the youtube channel and enjoy watching their videos together before bedtime.), my nephew, C, walked into the bedroom and stared at us longingly.. as if wanting us to play with him.

I told him we were watching videos and asked him if he wanted to watch together and he happily climbed up the bed and sat down with us.

I think Wah Banana is too chim for him but I guess he was happy just to have company. Ace was rather engrossed in the video and so he did not notice that slowly, C started to place himself in the most comfy position. He simply lay down between my shoulders and my bosom and used my chest as like a support pillow.

When the video ended, Ace turned around and noticed that C was lying on my and he told C, "No.. no.. you cannot sleep here... "

And then C started to cry.. heng ah.. at this point, his dad came home and he got distracted and ran out.

A few days later. Me and Ace were watching another video together and C remembered the fun he had and so he wanted to come join us too. This time, he jit tao put his head in my long gou and lay there and Ace got upset and told him, "No, no, no.. " again.

I asked Ace why he did not allow C to lay on me... and he said, "He can lay on his own mother mah.. why must lay on mine?"

"But his mother not around mah.."

"Ya... plus hor, that space belongs to daddy and me..."


Then I asked, "What if you have siblings in future?"

"Then of course I let them lie there also lah.. you are also their mother mah.."


PS: Think this is going to be their bonding activity.. wahahaha.. the other day, when I was at Popo's house, suddenly the living room so quiet leh. Turns out that the two cousins were watching video together in the room! Hahahaha.. Ah Yee is worried now that she has a TV addict on hand:)

Previous Post: Happy Birthday To Me! ;)

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