Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I Am Inspired!

Sometimes having conversation with Ace is very interesting.

The other day, on the way to school, Ace was telling me about his day in school the day before.

"Yesterday, mummy, our music teacher gave us a talk about how and why not to be egocentric.."

"Wah.. egocentric is a big word.. do you know what it means?" I asked him.

"Yeah, it means you only think of yourself as the most important and everything is just ME, ME, ME... it means you keep thinking like you are the best person in the world and that you are better than everyone else..."

Ok.. so far s good. But I was curious WHY would the music teacher be the one giving this talk.

"Because there were a few boys in our class who kept fighting over who should carry the books and so the teacher gave us this talk because they were disturbing the class with their fighting.."

I still don't quite get when the teacher will give this talk because the boys are fighting over who should help her.. but I guess it could be because also Ace did not understand the full story and so could not express it fully to me. But before I can wonder more... he told me, "And then I was inspired..."

Wah, like that inspired liao ah.."Inspired to do what?" I asked him.

And then Ace went on to tell me, "Today, we learnt a beat called a pocket full of stones... and then my teacher gave 10 points to my group because I made up my own..."

I asked a few more questions and found out that Ace came up with his own beat and his teacher gave his group 10 points because he was creative.

His ditty went like this.. "What do you do, with a pocket full of money? You buy all the latest toys and gadgets. That's what you do with a pocket full of money."

But hor I still did not understand how and why this is linked to him being inspired and the talk about being egocentric.

Turns out, he was trying to tell me two different things at one go. His music ditty has nothing to do with what he was inspired about. Hahahahaa...

"So how were you inspired and what did you do?" I asked him.

"I was inspired after her talk to do kind things and so I did kind things after that. Like I let people choose their folder first when my teacher was giving out the children's day present."

Good job, Ace:) Please continue to be kind... not only when you are inspired :)

Previous Post: I Miss Lan Kwai Fong

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