Sunday, October 19, 2014

Writing The F Word Is Wrong!

Ace always has a slightly stronger sense of what I will call "justice". In his world, there are things you can do.. and things you cannot do.. things that are right.. or wrong...  and if something is wrong, he feels it is his job to tell the teacher.

I can relate to that because I was like that when I was younger too ;) But I learnt the hard way that not everyone will appreciate it when you do that and learnt to tone down or communicate the same thing in a different way.

When I was in P6, our teacher told us that when we are preparing for PSLE that she would recommend that we use black pens as it will be clearer and easier for the marker and thus easier to get higher grades. So i raised my hand and asked me teacher, if that was the case, shouldn't the school just make it compulsory for everyone to use black pens? I mean, it is so wrong to use blue pens when BLACK PENS are the answer right?:P hahaha..

That seemed to not sit very well with my friends and they gathered together to boycott me just because I voiced out what I genuinely thought will help ALL MY "FRIENDS". Back then, I really could not understand why people treated me this way when all I wanted to do was to help them...

Some even used this chance to tell me nasty things like they never liked me anyway or that they never wanted to be my friend. It hurt cos this came from the person in the class I liked most and enjoyed being around most. But I "hua bei fen wei li liang" and instead of mulling over it, used it as a  motivation to "not be distracted by friends" and I put in all my heart to studying for my PSLE.. and that was how I scored a modest 269.. hehe:)

But I digress... and enough about me...

The other day while we were walking home, Ace told me that one of his friends wrote "F word, M, A, Ass" on his file. I couldn't figure out what is MA and then Ace explained.. "It just is a cool word that has the same meaning as the word 'my'" Ace explained to me.

So I asked him why did his friend do that and he said he did not know. His friend just did it and when he saw it, his friend asked him not to tell anyone...

"So did you tell anyone?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I told the teacher..."

Because he previously said he always bang chance (give a second chance) for people, I asked him why this time round he did not give a chance...

"No mummy.. writing the F word is a very big deal! It is very big thing, very serious, cannot give chance, have to tell the teacher.." He told me..

I was curious about how he feels towards his friend and so I asked him, "But if your friend asked you not to tell.. and then you go and tell the teacher.. if your friend finds out, wouldn't he get angry at you? Do you not mind that your friend will get angry at you?" I asked him.

"No lah. This is wrong and is a big thing, I have to tell teacher no matter what. Anyway, he is not really a close friend.." he told me.. Besides, Ace says he wants to become a prefect or a class monitor and so this will be part of what he should do if that is the case.

When I tried to ask more about how he went about telling the teacher, I found out that Ace actually DID NOT tell the teacher himself. He actually asked another friend to tell the teacher, "Because I was busy... I had to put the pin back onto my bag because it dropped.."

Wahahahaha.. I laughed lor. very kiang right.. give the dirty job to someone else!

And then I asked him who did he ask to tell the teacher.. he said he asked "someone I trust very much.. I asked J to do it.."

That made me very curious. I have never heard this name J before and so why did Ace name him as "someone I trust very much.."

"Are you very close to J?"

"Yeah, he is a very good friend..." Ace replied.

"How come I never hear his name before and you suddenly name him as someone you trust very much?" I asked him.

"Well, " said Ace.. with his eyes wide opened and giving me the 'what sort of stupid question are you asking look' "It is just because I have NO REASON NOT TO TRUST HIM lah..."

Wahahahahahahahaa.... so easy to get trust from my son right:) wahahahahaahah...

My friends all tell me I have very enlightened son... cos all the hilarious funny things he says are actually logical and have deeper meaning they say.. hahaha :)

Anyway, Ace tells me that he is keen to become a class monitor or a prefect next year. "I think I may get some credit  for this and have a higher chance next year.." he says.

"But you did not tell the teacher yourself, how will you get credit?"

"Why not?" he reasoned. "I am the one who asked the person to tell mah.." Faintz..

He told me he actually asked his friend who has been prefect for a few years how he can try to become prefect next year. His friend told him that means you have to have NO BLACK MARK in school. You cannot make big mistakes and be punished for any big mistake.

"So far, I have only been punished for small things like forgetting to bring my book..." Ace said smugly. "I think I have chance next year..."

All the best Ace, I hope your wish comes true:) hehe..

PS: When I brought Ace out the other day and my friend asked if Ace has been a good boy in school.. I said he is ok only lah... and then my son went, "Excuse me, among all the boys in my class, I am one of the most guai one okie!"  Wahaahahahaha... I never knew he thought of himself as such a good little boy!:) wahahaahahahahaha..... how very CONFIDENT!

Previous Post:  Why You Understand Me So Much?!

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