Thursday, January 22, 2015

Math Monitor Ace

Ace came home the other day and declared that he has been made Math Monitor.

Some time later, I received a letter stating that Ace is to attend a Math Monitor Workshop. I think the teachers these days very cham.. so much work to do... on top of teaching, marking and still have to do remedial lessons for weaker students and supplementary lessons for stronger students..

And to help nurture more leaders, they have english monitor, science monitor, math monitor etc etc etc...

I asked Ace what he learnt in the workshop.. he said they were given a handbook and what was taught were just things in the handbook.. and they were given a treat.. so I think it made Ace feel very important..

We teased Ace and asked him how is he going to carry out his duties as a math monitor.. and Max said, "You should scold everyone!!" And Ace told his dad no.. And I told Ace his dad is just teasing him cos if he scolded everyone, no one will like him.

But Ace said that he is very happy cos being math monitor will give him "power". His teacher will listen to him and no one will bully him because he can go straight to the teacher.

Wahahaha.. I told Ace that the point of him becoming a Math Monitor was to be in service to the teacher and his classmates.. and also to learn how to lead. Not to give him a "mian si jin pai" to bao toh on his friends:) wahahaha..

But leh, I am thankful lah. Cos he has always been interested in SCIENCE. So He will study well for it. His english is not too bad also. His math is slightly weaker as he is a little slower but now that he is math monitor, I can see him always trying hard to complete the problems given to him. And chinese I am not too worried as he seems to be enjoying Mr X's lessons too:)

Interestingly, he told me he is in the HA Group... meaning he is in the high ability group for Math and as a result, he is given more homework and more practice. According to his friends, people in the HA group will usually score 90 and above in tests and exams so that is what he aspires:)

PS: The Math Monitor thingy has pushed Ace to strive hard for Math and his HA Group seems to be doing wonders too. Ace scored full marks for his mini test. His first full marks in primary school:) 

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