Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My Friend Cursed You

Today, Ace came home with a grumpy face and when I asked him what happened, he said he was upset because his friend, D, cursed him and cursed me that we die and he is very hurt..

"I thought he is my good friend and actually wanted to give him something. But I guess time will show you a person's true colours and show you what sort of friend people are.." he said.

But I am really curious about what and why this boy did that and so I asked him to tell me what happened.

So the story goes like this:

D brought a frog to school in a box. Ace wanted to touch the box cos he was intrigued by the frog but as he reached out to touch the frog, his friend slapped his hand away. So leh, Mr I-just-wanted-to-touch-the-box-what was VEEEEERY upset and said, "I wish your frog will die!"

So because he cursed someone else's frog, the someone was angry and cursed him.. AND his mother (me) lor.

I told him I can understand his friend was upset and even though cursing someone to die is a very bad thing to do. I forgive his friend.. and so I asked him if he forgave his friend.. he said he cannot because he is very hurt.

I told him that is ok. He can think about it.

And then I explained to him that usually, this sort of thing is a vicious cycle. That is why chinese have a saying.. 冤冤相报何时了... People will get upset and take "revenge" on each other and it will never end.. exactly like how it happened. He hit Ace, Ace curse the frog, so he cursed Ace and his mother. If Ace cursed him back, then he will get upset and do something else back.. so it just makes everyone create more bad karma.

I told him I can understand that he is upset that people curse him... so I am ok that he is angry and is not ready to forgive his friend yet. However, can he please make sure that he will at least be willing not to do anything back at his friend...

"But I cursed a frog leh, he cursed me.. and you!"

"Do you mean that the frog's life is less precious or less important than yours, Ace? Every life is precious.. even if it is an animal's life. Furthurmore, it was your friend who hit you, not the frog. This whole thing has nothing to do with the frog at all. The frog is the most innocent in this situation lor..."

Ace kept very quiet and I think he saw the point.

"So please don't do this again, ok? It is actually a very mean thing to curse someone or something to die. You are so upset when your friend did it to you, right? It did not feel good right? So imagine how the other person must feel... Or how the frog must feel... Can you promise me not to do this again?" I asked him.

"Ok.." He said.

And that was that.

Later in the evening, I asked him if he was still upset at his friend. He said he is not so angry now and less upset but still cannot forgive him yet. My prediction though is that all will be back to normal when he is back in school and gets to talk to his friend and play with him ;) hahaha..

PS: I checked with Ace the next day if they have made up and Ace said yes. I told him I predicted that the will just meet in school the next day and make up.

"Yeah, that is exactly what happened.." Ace exclaimed.

Then I told him that while they have made up, it is still not right that he cursed the frog and he should apologize...

"I did..." said Ace. Apparently, Ace took the first step and apologized for what he did and his friend also said he was sorry for hating Ace and for cursing him and his mother and so all is well.

Good job, Ace:) It is great that know when you do something wrong and you apologize for it:)

Previous Post: Protective Ace

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