Saturday, January 24, 2015

Our First Meet The Parents Session In A Singapore Primary School

We were invited to our very first Meet The Parents Session in a primary school in Singapore.

I tried to approach this with an open mind... But I think no matter what, I will still be biased because Mrs Sinclair is fabulous and very much "stole our hearts"with her prep talk during our first session with her and that set a very high benchmark I guess ;)

Most importantly, she walked her talk and in our3 years in Dubai, she really showed us that it is possible for children to receive holistic education where they focus on what type of students they wanted to have and educated students who are both of good character and academically inclined... Children who have a thirst for learning and are confident and self motivated ;)

Ace's primary school has a new P who joined them last year. In the opening speech she gave, she also talked about how Singapore is starting to move into student centric, values driven phase since 2009...

She touched on a little about the sort of students they are looking at and said they have designed their lessons to reflect that. And she basically talked about the same thing that Mrs Sinclair did 3 years ago... in a different way...

But the thing on me and Max's mind was hor.."say only.. really can meh??"


P also talked about the school motto and the school history..

This circle looks very familiar...

Wahahaaha...seen it before liao... and actually, when we were in Dubai, Ace's record book always his this set of values that they tick off if Ace has achieved them.

Saw this dad with his head down looking at his phone the whole time....Wonder why he bothered to come if that is the case..wahahaha

After the talk, the gave out some snacks and asked you to join the form teacher in their classroom...

This is how Ace's classroom looks like. So different from the colourful classrooms he has had in Dubai:)

Then the teacher started to give a presentation...

I think me and Max very bad...

We kept comparing sgp vs dxb....

So hor, while I do appreciate the effort his teacher has put in.... I tend to pick out things lah...

Eg, the teacher teaches English but uses Singlish sometimes in her presentation..

One parent stood up and said that she wondered why pupils in the other classes other than 4-1 (which is the top class in school) were using a different set of books for their literature program that they were introducing to school. The 4-1 students are using 5 books while the other students are only using 3...

So the teacher trying to explain the issue and she said that at P2, the students who did well for English Math and CL2 were put together in a high ability class while the rest were in a mixed ability class they divided based on race and ability so that children get to interact with friends of different races.

As the1 class are very advanced and have a good foundation in the English language, there is no need to go through the vocab and grammar aspect of the books they were going through and so  they can do the literature books "more faster".

I was a little uncomfortable on two points...

Number 1: MORE FASTER is singlish. It is not english at all!:) Wahahahaha...

Number2: What holistic education?? From the way the teacher replied the question, their brains are all about the elitist system that has been so deeply ingrained that despite their best intentions, it seemed apparent to me that their minds are still about how well a student scores! Cos the teacher kept repeating that class1 is good in all areas and that they had to score well in ALL subjects to be placed in that class... and implied that the other children had lower ability and so likely cannot catch up if they did the same things. And to me.. the most *facepalm* thing was that the teacher said all these not  only in front of the parents but also in front of some students who were there with their parents! I was so glad Ace got bored and took money from us to go buy water and so he did not hear this!!

I also noticed that in Singapore, usually only one parent came... unlike in Dubai where both parents will come for the session.

The parents' attitude are also a little different. Of cos most are concerned about things being taught etc...there was one uncle who talked to the teacher...while siting with his whole body leaned back and had his arms behind his head like he is CEO talking his kar kiah like that... alamak.. very rude lor. The teacher is in service to you for teaching your child... i dun think it is too much to ask to respect them and talk to them respectfully. I really salute the teacher for replying to all his queries very politely despite what I feel is an absolute insult. I never saw parents like that in Dubai despite many of Ace's classmates parents being CEO and in various high ranking positions!

Hahaha... noticed they realy give almost everyone a chance to be a leader lor. Cos almost everyone has a role.. wahahaha.. which probably explains why Ace ended up Math Monitor. Good also lah, he is now working very hard in math and has scored his first full mark in a math test:)

But I guess cannot say Singapore schools dun try... Form teacher told us these class rules were a result of a discussion amongst the students:)

Just that I think alot of things they gave thought and came up with plan but did not follow through..

Another example is they have this form teacher period where students spend time with their teachers. Ace told me they were told to draw their favorite things but not asked to hand them in. I would have thought the purpose of the drawings is for the teacher to understand them better. alas, not asking them to hand in... defeats the purpose of them drawing lor... But of cos I understand my school fees now is only 8% of what i paid in Dubai. And I know Ms R in Dubai only had to face 26 children where Mrs R in Singapore had to face 40 of them.. so it is different lah.

Dunno why... but Ace not included in the class poster again.. wahhaha.. I wonder why my son likes or prefers to be excluded... :)

Anyway, after the session, I asked Max what he thought about this Meet The Parents..

His answer?

"I think I have too many judgements."

I think I do too. Hahaha!:)

But  I am thankful Ace enjoys school, looks forward to going to school and still aspires to do well like a true Horizon Student. I think Ms R and Mrs S will be proud of him ;)

Previous Post: Ace Treats Mummy To Some Ice Cream

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