Sunday, February 22, 2015


I think as a parent... I am blessed.

When we were in Dubai, Ace never had any homework except reading story books together with me....

By time time we returned to Singapore, he is old enough to want to complete his homework on time and he actually does most of his homework by himself and comes to me for some help when he needs it. That's all.

I don't even need to vomit blood and teach him chinese anymore cos he has Chinese remedial lessons:) hahahaha...

But I think as it is.... we seem to be still doing fine with the Singaporean educational system without tuition and I think Ace has a pretty decent line up of after school activities... Most of them a result of his own choice... Me and Max gave ourselves a pat on the back for not becoming the kiasu singaporean parents we thought we might become:) hahaaha...

For the 5 weekdays... he has something on every day.... Chinese remedial, science club, guitar lessons, swimming lessons and floor ball. So hor, he doent really have time for tuition but he seems to be coping well.

He is not scoring like above 90 for all subjects and be Class 1 calibre... but I am happy that he is enjoying his education and looks forward to going to school and learning everyday:)

Even when he has say guitar class and we have plans to go visit Laoma after that, he knows to bring his homework and complete them there before we go :)

The other day, while we were in the car, Ace made some comments about the educational system and environment in Singapore.

 He says that he feels the teachers here are mostly too fierce.

"They just keep scolding and threatening us. So in the end, the subject they teach becomes less fun and less interesting....  I mean... there are some teachers who try to make things fun.... In Dubai, we play games and have competitions with each other (think weekly math champion quizes and math games like SPLAT) and everyone in Dubai will be enthusiastic to take part and think it is fun... But in Singapore, when the teachers do that, there are people who actually dun want to take part cos they think it is not fun. They just want to study, study, study... so boring!"

Once and again, I am so so glad Horizon School gave him such a great experience and foundation. Many thanks to Mrs Sinclair, Ms Black, Ms Roberts, Ms O'Donnel, Mr Malangar and the many other teachers who have shaped or helped Ace in one way or another.

I do think that there are things that our system can learn from the british educational system. However, I think it will take time to also turn the mindsets of the teachers, students and parents around. But I am hopeful that the younger parents,  teachers and principals are also pushing for a more holistic education and in time to come, a wave of change will totally overtake this current situation and it will get better for our future generation.

PS: On a unrelated note.. I still cannot understand why Ace needs to bring this HUGE pencil case to school.... I remembered I can survive with a slim pencil case.. but I dunno why my so needs to lug so many things to school...

He will bring at least 8 pens... blue and black for homework.. red for dunno what.. green for corrections...

On top of that need to bring scissors, staple, staplets... highlighter... 

Aiyoh.. cannot understand. Anyway, he says his favourite shopping place is POPULAR bookstore (After toysRus of cos) ! Wahahahaah...

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