Friday, March 20, 2015

Best Play Date Ever!

Ace went on what he says is the best play date ever the other day with lele...

We have been planning for a playdate for the boys for a long time and finally after lots of planning and rescheduling, we made it!:)

The play date started at the playground in Paragon. From afar, I could hear the shrieks of the children and because Lele was not here yet, Ace started going into the playground to play with the other kids.

I suspect the playground is for younger kids becuase moment Ace went in, he started telling all the other children what to play... they were playing this game called Ice and Fire which looked like a different variation of tag to me...

Ace brought along his guns and somewhow, when he brought out his toy guns, he was deemed more "powerful" and had the choice to tag others.. hahahaha..

It was amusing the watch them play.. they will run around and tag each other and once, Ace tagged on a boy who was not playing and the boy got so upset and tsk tsk tsk... and said these children were so rude.. hahahaha.. he did not realize that they were trying to include him in the game and the other children did not realize he did not want to be included:)

Another interesting point I noted was that most boys were running around with only small group of girls but the really girly ones actually sat down somewhere and had quiet (and perhaps meaningful) conversation!:) hahaha...

Lele came and then started playing as well. But hor, actually Ace and Lele were not really playing together. They were like playing their own games in their own way but happy to be just in the same space. Somehow, this makes them feel happy.. perhaps due to the fact that they are both the only sons in their respective families..

After all the playground action, we decided to go to Toys R Us to walk walk... alas, got stuck at the "door" cos there was a lego play area and the boys spent the next hour of so building whatever they liked there while me and KP walked around the store...

Ace's creation...

Ace's creation... with weapons and deco..

Me and KP walked until nothing to walk liao.. so we sat down and sifted through all the lego pieces to help them find pieces they may want or need...

Next, we went to Mac D to have our dinner. After dinner, while me and KP sat and chatted, Lele took out his lego figurines and the boys had fun dismantling all the figurines and rearranging them with different heads and weapons to make "bad guys"... and "good guy" superheroes and they even named them special names!

The Mac Donald person who was supposed to clear tables boh zoh gang cos he was so fascinated by what the boys were doing.. he just stood there and stared :) wahahah..

And then it was time to go home. Ace says this is the best play date ever and that it is the happiest day of his life in 2015 because today he did all his favorite things:
  1. Play in playground
  2. Play with Lele
  3. Play with Lego
  4. Eat in Mac Donald
  5. Go to Toys R Us
Oh well, I guess 我的儿子很容易养 ...

Previous Post:  Sushi For Yeye

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