Friday, June 05, 2015

Money-Smart Kids Workshop

Finally, after studying in the school for a year... I finally found out about.. and signed up for the Parent Support Group:)

Actually, the group organizes alot of free events for the kids. Like the cooking demo by Chef Eric was also organized by them...

I found out that they will be organizing a Money-Smart Kids Workshop and promptly signed Ace up for it..

One of the mothers shared with the kids what was taught in rich dad poor dad... about 'paying yourself first!' i.e. Saving Diligently, Spending Wisely & Sharing Generously.

They told them a story, got them to share how they spent their money and learn how to make savings a fun, daily habit.

They also provided materials for them to make their own piggy bank using three cups.. one of saving, one for future spending and one for sharing...

I asked Ace if he enjoyed his workshop and what he learnt... and he said, "But what they told me you already told me before already..."

ANd I am thinking.. "Ya, but you dun listen to wat i say mah.. so let other pple tell you wat i say also correct!:) wahahahaha"

Nowadays, Ace started to have strong mind of his own and doesnt listen to me for small small things anymore. He will just do his own thing. Sometimes he ask me if he can do something and even if I say no, he will just do it anyway becos he thinks it is ok. I told him since he does not listen to me anymore, I will also not listen to him.. he can stop making all sorts of request to me as I am not going to say yes or do wat he says anyway.. hahahaha:)

The other day, we went out with his godsister who is only 4. She went into a tantrum and started shouting at her mother and hitting her mother. So I had a prep talk with her about how her mother loves her and she cannot treat her mother this way cos mama do so much for her and mama will be very hurt if she does that... I asked her how will she feel if other people did that to her...

Ace who was sitting beside me said, "Wah.. you talk to other people you so patient and so nice hor.. if is me who did tat.. you already slap me liao.."

I asked him when did I slap him. I will hit his hand or wat but I never slap him what...  I told him since he say I slap him, next time I will do tat lah:) hahaha.. make his wish come true!:) wahahahah

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