Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Understanding Your Child...

The other day, a friend of mine posted a series of questions on FB tat you are supposed to ask your child and just type down whatever they say.. I thought it was quite interesting and so I did it too:)

It goes like this...

WITHOUT ANY prompting, ask your child these questions and write down EXACTLY what they say. It is a great way to find out what they really think. When you re-post put your Child's age...

Ace 9.91 years old
1. What is something Mummy always says to you?
Ace: I love you

2. What makes Mummy happy?
Ace: Me and daddy spending family time with her

3. What makes Mummy sad?
Ace: When I do something wrong.

4. How does your Mummy make you laugh?
Ace: Telling me jokes and tickling me

5. What was your Mummy like as a child?
Ace: Good at studies and generous

6. How old is your Mummy?
Ace: 38

7. How tall is your Mummy?
Ace: I meter and 90 centimeters

8. What is her favorite thing to do?
Ace: Shopping!

9. What does your Mummy do when you're not around?
Ace: How am I suppose to know?!

10. If your Mummy becomes famous, what will it be for?
Ace: For nagging me... Just kidding... For Science

11. What is your Mummy really good at?
Ace: She is good at loving

12. What is your Mummy not very good at?
Ace: Don't scold me hor.. (pauses for long while).. Absolutely nothing! (grins)

13. What does your Mummy do for a job?
Ace: Housewife

14. What is your Mummy's favourite food?
Ace: KFC Chicken Wings

15. What makes you proud of your Mummy?
Ace: She spends more time with me compared to my friends and their mothers

16. If your Mummy were a character, who would she be?
Ace: Angry mum! Just kidding.. She will be kind and loving... Smurfette!

17. What do you and your Mummy do together?
Ace: 聊天lor.. and go out together

18. How are you and your Mummy the same?
Ace: She is as messy as me... that's for sure..

19. How are you and your Mummy different?
Ace: She is smarter, I am dumber...

20. How do you know your Mummy loves you? I love you.
Ace: Just by talking to her... through her replies...

21. What does your Mummy like most about your Daddy?
Ace: His love!

22. Where is your Mummy's favorite place to go?
Ace: She likes to be at home..

23. How old was your Mummy when you were born?
Ace: Erm.... 29..

 Actually two things struck me when I typed out his answers.. I am really happy that he sees my talent as loving and that he is feeling very loved by me:) I think for most part, my son understands me quite a fair bit. Alas, my favorite food is not KFC chicken wings.. and he got my age wrong:) hahahaha...

But I was a little sad to hear him say that he thinks I am smart and that he is dumb.. Mental note not to nag him to "please use your brain" when he does silly stuff..

Anyway, I thought it will be fun to do one for his dad and his answers came out... EPIC (at least that is what my friends called them...)

Now do for DADDY...
WITHOUT ANY prompting, ask your child these questions and write down EXACTLY what they say. It is a great way to find out what they really think. When you re-post put your Child's age...
Ace 9.91 years old

1. What is something Daddy always says to you?
Ace: Ace, pack your room

(Note: his dad just nagged him to pack his room just before I asked this question)

2. What makes Daddy happy?
Ace: I don't know

(Max's response when he read this..."I asked him to pack his room 10000 times.. how can he not know what makes me happy?

3. What makes Daddy sad?
Ace: whenever his favorite football team loses..

4. How does your Daddy make you laugh?
Ace: Absolutely nothing! He doesn't make me laugh

5. What was your Daddy like as a child?
Ace: one word- not like my mummy but he is also smart

(I think he meant that me and Max were very different cos we had very different lives and hobbies growing up..)

6. How old is your Daddy?
Ace: 39

7. How tall is your Daddy?
Ace: 2 meters and 9 centimeters
(Seriously, I did not know me and Max so "tall" lor:) hahahaha)

8. What is his favorite thing to do?
Ace: Football

9. What does your Daddy do when you're not around?
Ace: I dunno..

10. If your Daddy becomes famous, what will it be for?
Ace: It will be for.. hmm... let me see...Maths lor

11. What is your Daddy really good at?
Ace: Scolding me lah

(Many of my friends LOL at this...)

12. What is your Daddy not very good at?
Ace: Quarrelling with my mother
(Even more of them LOL at this... wahahaha... )

13. What does your Daddy do for a job?
Ace: He go help all the navy... even not our navy.. aiyoh

14. What is your Daddy's favourite food?
Ace: chinese lor..

15. What makes you proud of your Daddy?
Ace: He makes more money than an average person makes

16. If your Daddy were a character, who would she be?
Ace: Angry dad from the simpsons...

17. What do you and your Daddy do together?
Ace: Actually I don't spend alot of time with him nowadays cos he only work work work so most of
the time we are at home.. he will just work, I will just do my stuff

(I think dad and Ace need some father and son time... Sounds like a complain to me...)

18. How are you and your Daddy the same?
Ace: He is very tall, I am also.

19. How are you and your Daddy different?
Ace: He has more money but i am like a poor little person.

(This one is also very funny... But I think he says that now because during school hols he does not get any pocket money and after buying the simpsons lego figurines, he is almost BROKE :))

20. How do you know your Daddy loves you?
Ace: Just by nagging at me but I don't like it.

21. What does your Daddy like most about your Mummy?
Ace: The shape of her body 13 years ago.. LOL

(Cheeky, cheeky cheeky!!!!)
22. Where is your Daddy's favorite place to go?
Ace: Office office office... work work work... or sometimes naval base naval base naval base...

23. How old was your Daddy when you were born?
Ace: 30 years old..

Anyway, it was a fun test... hahaha..

Previous Post:
Online Manners

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