Tuesday, August 11, 2015


The two "brothers" are now best friends lor..

The didi's motivation to wake early and brush teeth quickly is to go Popo house to play with Gor Gor...

The gor gor everyday ask if can go popo house to play with didi..

And once they are together.. they want to play this and that.. want to go kick soccer ball. .want to go playground.. want to play nerf gun shoot shoot shoot together...

But still... amusingly, Lion Dance is the ONLY game they can play without quarrelling...

If they play other games, they will still quarrel over this and that.. but the difference now is that the usually xiaoqi Ace who gets angry first and sulks is more willing to forgive and forget and the usually ba dao Cay who refuses to share toys he wants to play with gor gor is also very quick to say sorry and hug hug gor gor.. Last time ask him to say sorry.. he die also dun want one.. hahaha:)

Yesterday, I had to attend a meeting with Max and left Ace at my mum's place cos he said he rather go play with Cay than attend the meeting with us.

Halfway into the meeting, Ace started messaging me... I asked him why he was not playing with Cay and his reply?

"Not playing. He is very whiney today..."


But leh, when I went to fetch Ace, he said he wanted to stay over at Popo's house and continue to play with Cay. But Cay insisted that gor gor cannot stay over as there is no place for him to sleep.

I told Cay gor gor can sleep in his bed since he sleeps on his parent's bed.

"Cannot.. The baby cot is so small and gor gor is so big.."

Anyway, near Cay's bedtime liao.. so I persuaded Ace to go home with me lah..

On a different note, I had lunch with Ace and his classmates D and S. S asked me do Ace's cousins live very far away and asked me why whenever Ace's cousins message him, he will be so happy and excited:) hahaha.. Very glad the cousins are very happy with each other and close to one another:)

Previous Post: National Day Peng Family Gathering

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