Thursday, October 29, 2015

Pre Exam Bohliaoness

I think "exam stress" (it is in inverted commas cos even though Ace tells me he is always  stressed during exams, his action of walking around, looking at the phone till I had to confiscate it doesnt really reflect the level of stress he thinks he is feeling) brings out the comedian in Ace.

I have been trying to push him to get started on exam revision and he still dilly dally till I puh huay an volcano erupt...

We finally sort of got started on the PSLE marking school holiday period...

On Day 1 of his full day "intensive revision". With 18 chapters worth of chinese words to revise and having only done ONE, our good friend spent his first half of the day walking around, playing in his room despite constant reminders from me to start revising... the result? I told him he must be a genius and told him in that case, he needs no help from me and there will be no need for me to nag at him...

Reverse psychology works! He started to learn the chapters I told him to and when done, he even did the next chapter without me saying anything! Then he begged me to give him spelling and asked me to pls stop calling him "GENIUS".. wahahahahaha...

And then cos he was posing half naked and telling me he is trying to show off his abs, I was like.."Wat abs? I see only fats!" Cos since the haze, he has dropped his exercise level and also increased his food intake.. so he is fatter now...

So I tell him I will give him a new nickname called PTG... PT Genius... (guess wat PT stands for :P) hahahahaha... And without missing a beat, he actually said, "Yes, I am a PRODIGY!"


Anyway, a few days later, just as  we almost finished revising Chinese 4B text so I asked Ace to take out the 4A textbook to standby only to find Best Student In The World lost his book and dunno where it is! sigh... A kind friend had to take photo from her son's textbook and WA me lor..

I still will like to find the book and so I went to his room and started packing his book shelf. Wiping the books and even accidentally hurt my injured thumb again.. THen someone start to pack his shelf too and asked me to rest... and after packing.. he finally found his book lor.. PHEW...

Then leh, at night ask him to study, he went into the room for 15 min and came out looking like this..

Hat, jacket and vest proudly sponsored by Aunty Jackie!

My friend says he is very CREATIVE... aahahahaha...

I told Ace that and Ace says it is good to be creative before exams as it helps him relax... 真的是拿他没办法....

So over the next few days during exam period, he is in standup comedy overdrive...

First he did this...

HE was drinking MILO and then he suddenly added "WINGS" to it and said, "Mummy... Look, MILO ANGEL!"

Another day... Ace was doing something I gave a shocked expression. As his actions got more ridiculous (he is a fan of physical comedy and slapstick), I looked even more shocked and added more drama...

Ace: Wah mama.. You are dam good leh! Ur shocked expression is really good!
Me: of cos lah.. Ur laomu is from drama club last time leh..
Ace: Mama, look.. I can also do many expressions...

Ace: Happiness..

Ace: Anger...
(scrunges fave up and attempts to look angry)

Ace: Sadness...
(pouts to show sad face)

Ace: Comfort!
And our good fren proceeds to pose a pose that represents comfort... By PUTTING HIS FINGER INTO HIS NOSTRIL!

Pengsan!!!!!!!! Hahahaha.. I asked him to pose for a pic and he refused and so tat is why I only have a description of what happened..

But I am glad he seemed happy during exam lah.. that should mean he will perform better for this exam:)

Previous Post: Samurai Burger Forever!

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