Wednesday, February 10, 2016

P5 School Camp

The other day, my classmate whose daughter is also in Ace's school messaged me and asked if I was attending the school camp briefing.

And then I was like... what briefing? Wat camp?

Apparently, while i was away, Ace's school already sent out a circular to ask parents to attend a briefing about the P5 school camp but both Max and Ace forgot to tell me about it. Heng ah, my fren reminded me lor:) hahaha

Anyway, we arranged to meet for breakfast and attend the briefing together:)

Ace has been looking forward to the school camp cos it is going to be another few days where he can be independent and free from nagging parents!:)

Before the briefing, Ace asked if he could buy some cup noodles to bring to the camp. He said his friend wanted to bring a kettle to cook noodles and so he wants to bring cup noodles. I told him I dont think that is a gd idea and his dad just told him to buy out of his own pocket money if he wants. And when we told him dun bring money or phone, he was like "Then how can I contact you if something happens to me?!" And I told him he can just tell his teacher and they can call me...

True enough, during the briefing, they are told they are not allowed to bring food (cos they will risk insect infestation if they do.. apparently there is this girl who brought ONE currypuff and then her red bag looked BLACK cos it was infested with SO MUCH ANTS!) and also not allowed to bring either money or phone:) Woohoo! Parents 2, Ace 0 ;)

The briefing was for both parents and children...

Apparently they will do high element stuff like rock climbing, flying fox, absailing, obstacle climbs...

I saw Ace go "woo hoo!" with his arms raised when they mentioned flying fox. Serious or not.. I tot he is afraid of heights?:P hahahahahhaha... But I hope he will give it a try and enjoy it lah:) It will be such a sense of accomplishment to complete all these seemingly impossible tasks for someone afraid of heights:)

They will also go kayaking...

And build rafts...

There will be teambuilding games...

Low element climbs... Wait, this looks like Ace's first introduction to NS! Hahahahahaah....

Max says though that all these are NOTHING compared to BMT:)

THere will be a blind man's race during the night activity session but I think he should do fine as he did even much better than me when we tried something similar during the Para Games...

He WOO HOO again when they mentioned campfire on the last night.

I was told sometimes, parents are invited during the campfire section but this time round, apparently not lah..

But hor, I can totally understand why not:) So many concerned parents asking lots of questions during the Q&A segment... wanting to know what is the teacher and student ratio lah... what to do if their child is sick lah.. whether their child can dun do certain activities lah... etc etc etc:) hahahaha...

I think it will be more relaxed for the teachers and students if parents DID NOT go:)

Anyway, afterwards, me and my fren were just saying the kids these days are so fortunate.... Back in our time, we did not have a chance to do all these things till maybe secondary school. In fact, I have only done canoing when I went to sentosa with my secondary school classmates during school holidays.

I had a P5 camp too but all we did was like play games and stay over one night in our classrooms and all that.. we did not even have a campfire!:) hahaha

Anyway, many of the items in the packing list cannot be found at home and so we visited Decathlon! Woohoo! Our favourite place to visit when we were living in Dubai!

WHen I stepped in, I was so happy cos it feels so familiar.. and it even smells the same as the one in Dubai!:)

We managed to find all that we need and Ace is now bugging me to go again to get him a pair of new school shoes. The ones we bought him saw the sole dropping out after a fewdays lor. But leh, problem is his school requires FULL WHITE shoes.. cannot have any colours or logos on it.. so that is really tough to find. Max bought him a pair of converse lookalikes but Ace keeps complaining that the shoes squeeze his feet and make his little pinky very sore... so it looks like we are going to visit again very soon...

PS: Many thanks to Sportslink! I wrote in to them to complain about the shoe having the sole drop out after a few days and they allowed me to exchange the shoe! Woohoo... so now Ace has a new, comfy pair of white shoes:)

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