Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Solar Eclipse Singapore 2016

 And so we were watching TV and found out that there is going to be a solar eclipse in singapore...

I asked Ace if his school is doing anything for this... cos we were thinking if we were in dubai now, I am sure the schools will ask the students to all go and sit out somewhere where they will arrange for them to "view" the eclipse or something... Our friends may even gather to watch if it were happening on a weekend.. just like how we tried to watch the meteorite rain the other time...

Anyway, I was kind of excited that day lah... I sent Ace to school and then when I was on the way home, it was supposed to be the time where the eclipse will start happening...

But everything looked the same.. the sky looks so bright... And I remembered the TV show we watched.. the lady said can watch using cardboard with a hole cut through it.. so I cut out the cereal box and punched a hole in the middle...

I tried to look for the best vantage point and realized the best place to "see" it is in my bedroom... and so pasted the cardboard on the window lor....

 To my surprise... really can see lor! Aiseh! So clear right... and then you can even see when the clouds float past lor...

So me and Max sat down there and watched the eclipse together... actually to be honest.. kind of romantic:) hahahahaha...

 And you will see that the crescent becomes thinner... and also starts to move down the wall... I had to repaste the cardboard at some point cos it was getting too low...

 The sky got darker but leh, still quite bright lor.. the tv person said driving must be careful.. wah lau eh, so bright.. careful of wat:) hahahahaha

 Eventually it shifted till it became like this.. so my Hello Kitty lamp now has a mouth!:) hahahaa

I so jealous, that other pple had such nice photos... But well quite interesting experience lah...

When Ace reached home, I asked if they did anything in school and he said his school prepared a presentation for the students and explained to them what is an eclipse... but they could not view it and were all told not to look at the sky...

Wah lau eh, dunno who thought of that.. you ask them to get interested but cannot look at the sky, cannot see the eclipse.. what a killjoy right? Might as well dun do the presentation in the first place...

But leh, I thought that instead of just complaining about things, perhaps I can make a difference.. so I sent my photos to Ace's teacher and he said he will share with the class... No fish, prawn also good right? ;)

Made a video of it too..

Previous Post: Ace Does A Good Deed

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