Thursday, May 26, 2016

Meet The Teachers

I missed the last Meet The Parents session because i was in Hawaii.... And Max had to work on that day and so he missed it too. But usually the first MTP is just for us to understand the teacher.. which is not really that critical now that we have the Class Dojo app and have direct access to his form teacher...

Anyway, I guess it was a good session for us:)

Ace got his report card...

And if compare with this table that shows the mean mark....  you can see that he scored generally higher than average for all subjects except Chinese....

He even had an improvement for PE:) hahahaha...

I was happy that Ace's teachers said they are very very happy with his progress. They said it seemed that he did not settle well and he was falling back on his work and not very settled... They were kind of worried for him because he was dreamy... did not pay attention... did not finish his work on time... did not hand up his work... etc... But he has really pushed through and done well for this term..

I think though, that change came about after his dad had a chat with him about what are his goals... DADS FTW!

Actually I think even Ace's classmates were surprised he did well : ) They actually asked him why he scored so well..

And he has shown himself to be a good monitor who makes effort and takes initiative... Apparently, his teacher said when teachers from other classes came to invigilate them, they praised Ace cos Ace took initiative to help them write the date since he was monitor...

Generally also, his teachers say he is well liked by his peers... and I am happy to note that he has started to make frens with girls as well and doesnt just stick to playing with boys. He says it is becos the girls in this class are not as bossy:) hahaha

I really hope he can keep pushing forward and win more awards for himself this year. :)

Max also told the teachers he really appreciated their effort to care for and teach Ace and how happy we were as parents to have them as Ace's teachers... and we talked about how we could offer them more support as well...

Only thing was that his form teacher said he might wanna learn to work on his emotions better as he was rather emotional... and that meant sometimes he would shout for no reason.. or cry suddenly and his mood actually impacts the whole class... so I guess it is time for Mr Emo to learn a more mature way to manage his emotions. Perhaps it is time for me to intro him to JOINING properly :)

After we were done, Ace asked me what is our session about cos we seemed to be the only parents who laughed alot:) hahaha....

Anyway, Ace told me that they were STAR CLASS for the term... every term, a class is selected as Star Class based on some criteria... I am glad his class has done well this term:)

What a cute class!:)

I found this on the notice board:) Hahaha..

But when I asked Ace, he said he wanted to maybe do chemical engineering...

But recently, he has started to get interested in robotics again.. and I shall reveal why later:)

Previous Post: Goodbye Miss Ang

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