Saturday, May 21, 2016


So one of our friends gave birth and were holding a full month party...

Brought Ace along and I told him that Aunty S said on FB there is going to be face painting, balloons, pop corn and ice cream! So Ace was very excited...

When he reached though, there werent any kids his age so he was a little bored.. so we encouraged him to go get a balloon.

While observing the things that the balloon artist made, I realized they are quite talented and can make alot of nice things.. But leh, my son as usual asked for something boring... like an ARROW and BOW.. hahahah :)

Just to keep him entertained, we kept sending him back to the balloon people to request for MORE balloon requests..

I asked for Hello Kitty... dun have...
Max asked for Viking.... also dun have..

And then I said I saw them make Tigger from Winnie the Pooh.. so maybe can make Garfield... so he went again and asked for Garfield and came back with this...

It was a windy day and the party next door had lots of toddlers who did not hold on to their balloons their balloons would fly off and we spent alot of time helping them catch their balloons.

One kid's chicken flew up into the air and got stuck in the tree on the second floor....

And Ace said, "So, chickens do fly huh..." Hahahaha.. He made the funniest commentaries sometimes.. I told Ace he can go start a channel on youtube called Lame Jokes of the day and just repeat all this wisecracking things he said:)

Fly, chicken fly!:)

Anyhow, Ace was totally excited when this happened and even went all the way to the second storey to try help retrieve the balloon:)

These are some of the other things the balloon artist did...

Ace went for two or three rounds of ice cream... The girl at the ice cream cart so cute.. I asked for a cone one and she was unable to stack the the scoops on top of each other..  and she kept using her hand to press... the more she pressed, the more the layer dropped off.. in the end, she gave up and passed the cone to me and said, "Sorry ah.. first day at work.. havent learnt how to stack properly.." hahahahahaha...

I wanted very much to tell her.."Ya, I can tell!:)"

I told Ace very mafan to carry his balloon for him so he hang  all of them around a strap on his bag:) hahaha

Ace told me there is a nice playground at the other side of the condo where the party was held and asked me to go there with him... so I followed him..

It is really a very interesting playground.. very european type of playground...
Ace had so much fun playing there:)

I guess it is cos it is quite different... Too bad there were no other children there to play with him..

First there was this thing where you could sit on it and go round and round and round...

Then there was this little slope you can rolled around in... and the european children I saw there... all rolled down the hill and so Ace did that too and declared that it is SO FUN!

THen there is a cone which you can sit in and it will go round and round and round and round....

 We were trying to figure out how to play with this.. cos cannot really swing.. and  cant really do much except sit on it... But Ace says this is how this is being played..

 While I was at the playground... saw this strange plant.. one plant.. have flowers of two different colors...

Then it was time to go home:)

THe condo is really nice and I think given how it is in a very relaxed environment with alot of open spaces, and many of the first floor units even had large gardens..  I am not surprised most of the pple I see here are ang mohs;) Hanging around inside.... I sort of feel like I am back in Dubai:) hahaha...

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