Saturday, November 12, 2016

Goldfish Jail

Have been wondering why the area around our fish tank has been wet and finally realized today.. (after a few days) that the fish tank is leaking water cos there is a crack somewhere...

Dunno how and why the crack happened since I have never dropped it or anything like that...

So I had to search for a new tank immediately.... There weren't many containers in y house I could use as a fishtank and finally made do with this small vase I found...

But so poor thing lor.. the fish....

The fish very fat.. the tank very small... feels like he is in JAIL..

So in the end, few days later I went to MIL house and asked for those chinese new year goodie container to use as his new home... MUCH BETTER afterwards....

On a side note... the other day I was trying to change water and was wondering why the fish dun seem to fit well into the temp container I used ( a small cup) when changing water all of a sudden... like the backsid/ tail of the fish so big now the fish cannot swim upright anymore...

And only when I put the fish back into the fishtank and slowly observed that I realized that  my fish has grown bigger! Much bigger....  I did not realize because the last time I changed water, I did not take it out of the tank.. I just cleaned the sides of tank and added water.....

So after 2-3 weeks of eating alot.... it has grown!

Oh well, this new tank is big and should be able to hold the fish for quite a while:)

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