Saturday, January 07, 2017

Volunteering As Emcee At Charity Dinner Again

Got invited again to be emcee at a similar charity dinner organized for some elderly under the care of Lions Befrienders at Ghim Moh and Meiling Street.

About two months back, did another one for Arcadia's Seniors Nite for my Lions Club. But as I had not been emcee for a long long while, I was rusty liao. So when I reviewed myself, I found there were so many areas I should take note of and improve. And I was determined to do a better job this time round.

 Many thanks to Sally... who was the one who invited me to host this event:)

And I think I was really lucky to hav a chance to host this event and meet all these supercute elders! They are all so cute lor... and they are so happy and filled with love!

 Took picture of these three aunties who turned out at the event in same coloured outfit. THey just happened to be in same colour and happen to sit together and they laughed and told me they did not notice the same colour till I asked to take a picture of the :)

The aunty in the middle says she hasnt worn this in many years cos she lost weight and dun look as good in this outfit now..

Then it was time to go welcome the elderly from LB Ghim Moh who had arrived on a bus.

I had nothing much to do so I went to welcome them and shake hands with them as they came down the bus. I feel like I was at my own wedding dinner like tat: ) hahahaha...
 Everyone seated and waiting for the event to start..

 Saw a group of malay aunties and made mental note to do more english translations.

 Our DJ for the night:)

 I love these malay aunties lah.. everytime the realize I am taking photo of them.. they will pose for me.. so cute lor!:) And when we told them it was near CNY so we lou hei they also happily joined in.... The beauty of living in Singapore:)

 Kickstarted the event with a game of Bingo..

 I am the Bingo Number Girl:) hahaha...

 This are chocolate coins given to me by the LB board Chairman Ah Lun :) He so cute lor.. gave everyone one pair. He actually has a durian shop in Chinatown called 101 Durian and will sell new year goodies during CNY... so he brought some to gift to everyone:) So sweet...

 This is the karaoke Champion in Ghim Moh lor.. the uncle really can sing!

 Lou hei to officially start the dinner...

 THis is a grp of aunty and uncles who play the ukelele... they volunteer to play at many different places and events and have quite a wide repertiore of songs.. I am pretty impressed cos they are good and they sing alot of chinese songs though most of them cannot read chinese. I looked at their song sheet.. all hanyu pinyin....

They inspired me to think about whether to learn the ukelele too so I can play music and bring joy to others;)

 Sound system problem so I take the chance to interview one of them. This uncle is a cancer survivor... he survived stage 4 cancer and is still joining all volunteer events to sing for others! Salute!

Here is a video of the Evergreen Strummers and the Medley of songs they sang..

The seniors enjoyed themselves so much. Unfortunately the event hall had very poor sound system and so the people all the way at the back were unable to hear the performance well as it was very soft since the sound speakers were only in the front of the hall and the speakers at the back where for some reason not connected.

But that did not dampen their spirits as they joined in to sing and make merry!:)
Here is them singing!

 Then the elders from Ghim Moh also so sporty lor.. they will volunteer to come up and dance...

 And sing...

I need to mention these two aunties, they kept asking for my attention to say they want to sing... so I squat down to talk to them... and then I also promised I will sing a song for them...

Then hor, when we were done with our conversation and I was about to stand up, the slim aunty who wants to dance said to me... "Thank you so much for squatting down when you talk to us..." I mean.. so sweet lor... like tat they also thank me leh..

And then they wished me all the good things coming my way this year and that I will enjoy abundance and they said they will pray for me and my good fortune... with much conviction.. they even added..."You wait and see, it will all come true!"

My year ahead feels super good already!:)

 Cute aunty posing for me again..

 This aunty is volunteer performer.. she lives very far away and is suffering from toothache.. but still she made her way here to sing... commendable!

 Comittee doing combined song.. ai pia ji eh yia!:)

 Group photo at the end of the event..

 Thanking everyone for taking part in the event!

 THe organizing committee so sweet..even gave me a gift:)

 When the event ended.. was chatting with this aunty.. she is really very jovial throughout.. and she likes to dance.. she told me she used to dance and was a winner for some dancing competitions... So many hidden gems amongst these old folks:)

 Saying goodbye to them:)

And also need to thank these few volunteers who are also staying in Meiling area.. THey are the ones who will work behind the scenes.. prepare the activity centre for the event.. help to clean up after the event.

Was a happy day indeed:)

I hope as Ace grows up and has more awareness about what the Lions Club does.. he will also have more heart to step up and contribute in whatever way he can.

Previous Post: Filming Again

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