Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Daddy Anything Can Eat

My friend's son is perpetually coughing.

That's cause her eldest daughter who is like 8 or 9 years old this year keeps feeding her brother ICE MILO... SWEETS.. and all sorts of stuff.. such tat he refused to eat anything but junk food.

He is one mth older than Ace but is onli 7kg when Ace is already 11kg!!!

Luckily after I explained to my friend about VPlus, she decided to let her son take it too and now he at least has some nutrients and is willing to eat more healthy food...

Well, the little 9 year old kid probably didnt know wat babies can or cannot eat...

Sometimes, Daddy is like tat too.. hahahaa... it seems to him tat since Ace can eat now.. he can eat anything...

He has so far fed Ace: Tea, Chilli, Fried Toufu, Cucumber (Okay.. i fed Ace cucumber first cos we were at Genki sushi happily eating and Ace looked so ke lian with nothing to eat so i fed him the raw cucumber from my sushi...), Tang Hoon....

Hahaha... Well, erm.. actually *guilty look* I sometimes also feed Ace funny things at my own discretion.. eg... Long Zhu Guo (so funny to see black polka dots in his shit), Carrot slice from my bee hoon, snow peas, black fungus, raisin, cashew nuts, pumpkin

Well, we draw a line at Mac Donald Fries though.. hahaha.. tat day YEYE dreamt of Ace and dreamt tat Ace said to him, "Yeye, I want to eat fries.. " and so he went to buy fries for Ace.. heng me, Daddy and Nai Nai have good sense to say NO unnanimously.. so the fries ended up in our stomach.. hahaha ;)


  1. yup..no gd to let bb or young kids eat too much fried stuff.No gd..anything cook in high temp actually no nutrients liaoz..
    but once in a while indulgence is okie..heeee...or hm cook fried stuff i eat...

  2. u never post the pic of ace after he trid the chilli sauce...
