Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Someone died recently.

Yes I know.. people die in the world everyday.. every second...

Well, at least... someone close to someone I know died and it is a tragic accident.. young chap is only in his mid twenties... case of 'white hair person send the black hair person'...

Looking at news like tat... I started to wonder...
- How would I feel if Ace died before I did?
- Would Ace be sad if I died?

I always felt that it would be sad for parents to lose their children... i remember my mum telling me about her member whose son died because he choked on something.. the son was 10 years old I think and I remember thinking to myself, "Gosh.. so sad.. the parents lavish 10 years of love on the son and in the end, he died... must feel very sad manz..."

But now having become a parent myself do I really understand how a parent must feel... the pain and anguish I imagine.. would prob be like 10 times or 100 times more painful than I imagined before I became a mummy myself...

Daddy says the deceased I was talking about probably did not manage to escape death from a sinking ship because he tried to save his other half.... he says tat in the Navy.. rule number one when you meet emergencies is tat your own safety always comes first.. he says if you try to help another person... both of them might not make it alive..

I made Daddy promise me that if one day.. while we go cruising on ships and the ship sinks, he must get away while he can cos he is more physically fit and can swim... cos "If Ace dun have mummy.. at least must have Daddy.." And Daddy "CHEY!" me....

But I am very serious leh.. cos I feel that no one knows wat will happen tommorow and it is indeed our dream to one day go on:
- cruise to alaska (Carribeane cruise)
- cruise on the most luxurious cruise ship in the world... (Seven Seas Cruise)

Anywayz, I was watching TV last nite and it was a show about this grandma and grand daughter who xiang yi wei ming... and the grandma in the end died of cancer.. on her death bed then her grand daughter knew that she was ill and so she was very sad...

I take good care of my health so I dun think I will get cancer lah.. CHEY! But leh.. I asked myself.. if one day I knew I was going to die soon.. will I tell my loved ones? After watching so many shows where the pple selfishly never tell their family n loved ones.. I think I will...

I wun tell them too soon so tat they dun have to worry too much but I will tell them to show that they are impt to me and give them a chance to like spend the last days with me.. and know it.. cos i feel that if I am the loved one.. I will forever be upset at the dying person cos he/she never tell me.. why never tell me when I love you so much?????

I suspect though.. tat Daddy is the type who will keep quiet...

Anywayz, Ace... if you are reading this after I am dead and gone.. I love you ;) And will always love you....

And Daddy.. i love you too! :)


  1. choi choi choi... *touch wood*

  2. Anonymous3:38 PM

    That is why we have to spend more time with the children or our loved ones as much as we can. My mom passed away when I was 25 and my dad was a sailor all his life. Only got to see him once a year when I was growing up --> Pus

  3. Pus: Yes I agree... sometimes in the midst if being BZ.. we forget to care for the pple around us... cos we think they will be around forever.... So when are we meeting up?

    PPG: Well, it is a fact of life lor... tat is why i tell my dad to take care of his health.. cos the reason i am working hard is also to give them a good life.. if he die before I can do it.. then wat is the purpose of me working hard now rite?
