Monday, August 14, 2006

Oh No! No More Sesame Street!?

Sad! Sad! Sad!

Both me and Ace were happily looking forward to 12.30pm and when we switched on the TV then, we realized that SESAME STREET WAS NOT ON IT!

I hurriedly went to check the Kid's Central programe guide on the net and found out that they took Sesame Street out completely!

Oh No!

I always look forward to Sesame Street because it keeps Ace entertained and I get to do some other stuff (like writing on this blog) during the 12.30-1.30 period.

Also, I know that Ace loves Elmo. Whenever Elmo's world comes on, he will swing and shake to the music and sometimes, he laughs at Mr Noodle's crazy antics.

Ace was initially banned from all tv.. but when Daddy read that studies found that children who watched Sesame Street were doing better in life, we decided to let him watch the show.

But well, this made me decide to search for SS's website and I found lots of fun activities in it. I guess it will be a website I will view together with Ace often from now on.

If you want, you can check out:

PS: When I switched on the TV two days after i wrote this, I realized that Sesame Street is back. YEAH!!!!


  1. Anonymous12:32 AM

    And i still think Ace should be banned from watching the other tv programmes! now that SS is off the tv, maybe i should throw the tv away! or hide the power plug, until the next world cup is on!

  2. i think TV for children is still essential but not over dose... also watch alot of tv mah...stil okie..not stupid yet.. :p

  3. I don't watch TV during my schooling days esp. sec. that's how I managed to become top student for O levels. Hehe...
    But times are different now. Other than TV, there's another addictive distraction known as Internet Games.
