Sunday, August 13, 2006

Violent Ace

The other day, I brought Ace to my office and he was happy to see another baby- Denzel.

Denzel is another HUNZA baby and is about 2 months younger than Ace.

When Ace saw Denzel, he was very happy and crawled towards Denzel. When he went near Denzel, he realized that Denzel was holding on to a treasure- A PEN!

So he went up and grabbed the pen and tried to explore it in his own comfort zone by crawling a little distance away.

While Denzel was just holding on to the pen and not really paying much attention to it, all of a sudden when it is being snatched away, it started to seem precious and so he climbed over and snatched it away from Ace to explore it.

Not willing to be outdone, Ace chased after him and then went on to pull Denzel's clothes and try to pull Denzel towards him and he even use his hands to 'beat' Denzel as if to say, "Come over leh...".

I quickly pulled Ace back and carried him in my arms.

Initially I was appalled at the 'violence' that Ace has shown as he has known to be a loving baby who tends to go towards babies to hug them and touch them only...

Well, and then I realized that Ace meant no harm and that feeling gave way to embarrassment..

While I think such antics are common among babies and know that Ace actually meant no harm, I didn't know what other parents might think. Denzel is also an only child and I would think he is very much loved by his parents as well... wouldnt be good if his parents dun feel uncomfortable about Ace tugging at their child's clothes and 'hitting' their precious..

I asked myself if tables were turned, would I be upset? I guess not really unless Ace is being bullied very badly. Cos that is part of growing up and playing together mah.

But I still better be more careful cos I dunno wat other parents might think.. even though I think that Denzel's parents are very nice, open people who probably think the same way as I do, better be safe than sorry lah.. my own son anyhow also can.. other people's babies, me very careful...

But upon thinking back about this incident, I think that I should care more about what Ace thinks and not what I think. He probably was just having fun and I should have just told him not to do that and allow him to continue to play and only carry him if he does not listen.

Also, I guess I am glad that Ace 'fought back' because that means that he will not be easily bullied by others and is a confident little baby:)

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