Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I have never seen a baby as TAM JIAK as Ace... Just how can a baby love food so much?

The other day while we were staying at Nai Nai's house, he just ate and ate and ate and ate and ate...

Daddy's colleagues came visiting that day and we wanted Ace to stay put wehre he is.. since there was no playpen at Nai Nai's house.. so we put Ace in his 'Emporer's chair' and then put him beside Daddy.

In order to keep Ace entertained, me and Daddy kept feeding Ace bread.. by the time nai nai reached home, he had already finished like one whole bread.. and after that, he had his dinner.. then nai nai started taking some dessert and he went to ask for more as well... when his tummy was already as round as Daddy's botak head! ;)

When he came home to Waipo's house.. when he saw me eating some zhu zai peng.. he also asked for it.. and thus, while Ace would call papa, mama.. and say many other things.. he now would spend most of the time saying "MORE" and doing the "MORE" sign for food only.. sigh...

The other day, Ah Yee was eating an apple.. Ace walked up to her.. held the hand which was holding on to the apple, shifted it towards his mouth and refused to let go... so Ah Yee had to be permenently in that pose until Ace was done with biting the apple...

But strangely, Ace seems to know vegeterian food from non-vegeterian food.

When he was at Waipo's place, he would go to Ah Yee and Nai Nai and ask them for a taste of their vegeterian chicken rice and Wai Gong's non-vegeterian Yong Tao Fu will be left in peace.. i guess it is their natural instinct to prefer vegeterian food...

Maybe that is why they have BEAUTIFUL SKIN:P

PS: Want to find out how to have great skin like those beauty queens, click here.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:15 PM

    it is good for babies to eat more.. hehe :)
