Thursday, October 12, 2006

Tar pau baby anyone?

Nowadays, Ace is getting to be really curious about things... some of his favourite hobbies are:
- taking things out of paper bags
- opening drawers
- touching something new
- opening other people's handbags and searching for their handphones
- putting everything over his ear to pretend it is a phone
- taking the gongyo book and chanting
- making a mess of ah yee's make up drawer..
- tearing books and magazines into pieces
- taking things out of the wastepaper basket
- ALWAYS asking for MORE FOOD
- going near the TV to kok kok kok the TV

sometimes, it can get overbearing... cos you have to constantly run around after him to make sure that he is not up to mischeive.. when i am really tired and he is doing that, I just wish someone would tar pau him home... especially when I feel really tired in the morning and he has woken up and is running around my room trying to touch things he shouldn't...

But most of the time though, Ace is a really happy baby.. he entertains himself in the playpen by coming up with games only he understands..he would do some actions and laugh at himself.. I guess I am lucky lah...

Just that, I suspect I may be pregnant again because I have been feeling really tired and having backaches... That does not make a good combination with an active baby...

Just the other day, we brough him downstairs for a walk and he was happily climbing up and down the makeshift stairs for old folks to practice climbing stairs.. he went up and down.. up and down.. i nearly died following after him...

It is indeed tough to have Daddy down in a cast with no ability to carry Ace or help out in any way...

After tat, when he reached home, the very Hao Lian baby climbed up the staircase without holding on to any railings and gave Waipo a smug look... hahaha.. doesn't he learn fast?

With respect to the pregnancy thing..Well, we'll see what happens... You'll be the FIRST to know ok?:P

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  1. haha..yaya...must let me know leh..

  2. I am starting to feel a little nauseous today..but also not feeling well. hehehe.. so dunno which is which.. hahaha...

  3. Anonymous8:16 PM

    i wanna to da pao ace!! :P :P :P

  4. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I wana know !!!

  5. Hahaha.. you want to da pao ace? Dun regret wor! Dun come in middle of night and cry and ask me to bring him home.. hahahahhaa
