Friday, October 13, 2006


Ganma Evon visited Ace the other day... just before Daddy broke his leg..

It was a really rainy day and it was really cold.. and finally, Ace got to wear that thick thick sweater that Ganma bought for him during his full month.. luckily she bought a bigger size and so it was still suitable for Ace despite the fact that a year has passed...

Generally though, Ace does not wear sweaters.. he is a baby who is afraid of heat.

In fact, his head is constantly emitting heat. If you put your palm over his head, you would feel this heat coming out..

When he sleeps, his head emits so much heat that his whole pillow will be drenched in sweat. As a result, Ace would very often, in the middle of the night, turn his head towards the direction where wind from the fan is coming from.

Most nights, I can't sleep well because i was afraid he will turn and drop off bed when he does that.

Sometimes he will shift position and use my tummy, my thigh, Max's tummy, Max's thigh, max's arm as a pillow instead.. it is precisely because of this that we dare not sleep together wiht him now that Daddy is injured...

But he has since learnt how to get off bed himself... Also, now me and daddy sleep together while Ace sleeps with Zeng Popo and Waipo..

Anyway, I think the sweater is likely to last till Ace reaches 2 years old.. but the weather being so warm these days.. i doubt he will have much chance to wear it again...

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  1. I think Ace looks very mature in this sweater.. hahaha

  2. Anonymous3:59 PM

    ya loh.. look so much like his daddy.. hor max :P :P

  3. Anonymous9:58 PM

    thats of handsome son leh! :)

  4. Ya ya ya.. very handsome.. hehehe... Master Eric also say he wear all white will mi si all the nuren
