Monday, July 26, 2010

Ace Has Fallen Sick

Well, Ace has fallen sick these few days..

It started off with him going off to sleep very early on a friday evening and then by Saturday, he was getting all feverish. But this little boy was still jumping here and there and in the mood to play with me... the only thing was that some parts of him are on and off feeling quite warm and he complains that his throat is painful when he swallows food...

In the afternoon, my mum came home and said that she bought those fever stick it ons for Ace and Ace insisted that he wanted to use it. By 8pm, he requested to paste the fever paste and sleep.. I said he can do so later...

So he hang around somemore.. and I tried to persuade him to sleep after taking an NMA... I knew that woud probably cure his inflammation in the throat but because he was whiny and all tat, I figured it was easier to just waste ONE piece of the fever paste and save myself alot of trouble because he promised to sleep by himself and sleep immediately and also happily ate the NMA I gave him by chewing as instructed...

Anyway, by Sunday morning, he was feeling lazy all over and I was rather surprised that he complained still that he was tired and continued to sleep till 12 noon before he was willing to wake... I was puzzled as to why he was still tired as i predicted he should have recovered by sunday.

Anyway, I asked him if he was still painful for him to swallow food and he said no.. so i made him take a bath and soon enough, he was happy and jumping around all over the place again ;)

Ah Yee thought it might have been due to the fact that when they brought him to smalleland that day, he was playing till he was sweating all over but he did not have any clothes to change and they still continued to shop around in giant and eat in the foodcourt there....

I think he just ate too much accumulated rubbish.. anyway, he looked like he lost weight after this round of sore throat and his tummy became really flat but leh, right after he recovered, he is back to becoming a eating machine again.. hahahahaah ;)

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