Sunday, August 14, 2005


It is indeed true. When you live together with someone for a while, you will start to know and understand their whims and fancies. Likewise for my baby.

I must say that Ace is relatively easy to care for compared to the many stories I have heard about other children and their parents. He really only has two needs… love and food ;)

Because he is the first son/grandson/godson to many people, there is no lack of love around him as he is always being cuddled, talked to, played with..

I mean, even when I bring him to office, it takes me like 30 min to walk from Richie’s Room to the main door.. which is like only 10 meters away.

I get stopped often because Ace is so cute everyone just wants to talk to him and play with him for a while.. and you know lah.. one person starts, the others will crowd around liao.. heng he likes crowds ;)

As for food. I dunno why. Please god, do tell me if my milkflow is enough cos my boy is CONSTANTLY WANTING TO FEED! He is growing ok so I keep my fingers crossed.

I always say he "got food no love" cos he is pretty easy going most of the time unless it involves food:)

Because he is hungry so often, I get to do very detailed case study on his behaviours when hungry.

You see, when Ace cries, there is a hungry-o-meter based on his actions that will tell you how hungry he is. On a scale of 1-5, this is how it goes.

1: Feeling hungry liao
Ace will start to make his mouth into an O shape and he will start to put his tongue out. Initually, tingue only touches lips... and then it will slowly extend longer and longer... Uusally, he doesn’t cry at this point and will still smile at you to politely inform you that he is feeling a little hungry.

2: Getting hungrier
Now, he will start to play with his saliva and salivate. Put anything that can be sucked near him and he will suck it. He has since tried to suck: Richie’s (my MALE mentor) breast, my arm, my knuckles, his daddy’s breast and arm, the stroller cushion…

3: Full fletch hungriness
At this point, he is feeling hungry for sure. He will open his mouth side and shift his mouth to the side in an attempt to find the breast he so finds comforting.. he will also kick his legs violently. As he gets hungrier, his legs will be raised higher. When his legs are raised 90 degrees to his body.. you know he is about to let out a howl.

4: I need Food !!!
His fists are clenched. His forehead is wrinkled. He howls softly but there are no tears at all.

5: For Sure!
Tears are formed and his howling gets colicky n he might start to cough..

If he goes to stage 4 when mummy is not around, he will choose perfect timing and go full fletch into stage 5 when mummy appears.

Who says babies do not know how to think or strategize?!

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