Monday, August 15, 2005

Sleeping Handsome

Long long ago, there was a handsome little baby who loved to sleep.

Little baby Ace (his parents named him such so that he has an easier time trying to learn to write his name in school) would very often wake up and ask to be fed.. only to fall asleep in the arms of his mommy...

Well, as they say, babies are cute/handsome and no matter how you look at them, they are still cute/handsome. And it is especially so for this handsome little baby.

That is why he is also known as Sleeping Handsome.

Because he is aware of his 'reputation', Sleeping Handsome never forgets to pose even when he is sleeping.

While his most classic pose, "Come into my OPEN ARMS AND LEGS", was inherited from mummy...

Being the creative little baby he was, he came up with many other variations on his own to show of his personality...

He is the (from left) The King, The Gentleman, The Encouraging Cheerleader, The Thinker...

He also likes to show off his emotions when he sleeps...

Just the other day, he was feeling (From left) HUNGRY.

"ALAMAK! HOw huh?" he asked himself.

But being the professional he was, he decided to keep posing and went into the "I am a Xiao Shaoye" pose.

But there was alot of construction going around at that time and it was too noisy so he couldnt concentrate on his pose. But being innovative, he decided he will kill two birds with one stone and cover his ears in a similar pose...

Anywayz, when he as fully well rested enough, he woke up and sucked on mummy's breast and lived happily ever after.



  1. yeah, and sometimes sleeping handsome will have that "i am sleeping but i want u to think i am awake" post by sleeping with his lids half close...

  2. oh, tat one i havent managed to take a picture yet.. will add it in if i manage to take this pic..

  3. now we know who is the truely physcotic one... hahaha...

  4. Hahaha.. there is a reason why they say birds of feather, flock together... Psychotic AUNTIES flock together too! Shirley got nieces or nephews??:P

  5. ya, alot of poeple say he very ang moh looking...
