Thursday, October 06, 2005

Invisible Mummy

My father-in-law is not the only one who adores Ace. Apparently, my whole family adores Ace very much too.

The other day, I was suppose to go to my mum's place. Max was doing duty and so I had to go there alone. I decided to stay overnight because Max was not coming home that night. So I packed lots of barang as Ace will be going for his 3 mth jap the next day and I had to return some library books.

So I was looking quite a sight with Ace in a carrier in front of me, a backpack full of clothes and a plastic bag full of library books to be returned.

Alas, wherever Ace is, mummy becomes invisible woman!

When I reached my house finally.. shoulders and back aching from the load.. my mum, grandma, sister were all busy making monkey faces to Ace and no one remembered to go and get the key to open the door and let me in!

Finally when they realized that I was carrying alot of stuff, they found the key and let me in and the moment i put Ace is sis's room, everyone 'zoomed' and disappeared from sight. Everyone was in the room fussing over Ace and I am left eating all alone in the living room.

Well, I guess I am not complaining.

Invisible mummy needs to be invisible so that she can get her fair share of peace and rest from the baby ;) Ace is very smart now. He is always quiet and happy when mummy is not around. Once he sees/smells mummy , he will make a sad face and pretend to cry and want mummy to carry or feed him.

Hehehe.. if I were not 'invisible', I guess I wouldnt have the time to blog about this now...

PS: Mummy, however, can also mutli task. When Ace in good mood, mummy still blogs while she feeds Ace ;) Clever or not?


  1. i never ignore u hor... i got talk to u hor...

  2. Yeah, rite.. talk to me after staring and playing with ace for so long lor ;P
