Friday, October 07, 2005

Updating Ace’s Immune System

We are updating Ace’s immune system to cold virus no. 001.

Darn, Ace caught my cold and has been sneezing on off...

Strangely, while I felt like shit when I was sneezing during my bout of flu, Ace took it rather well. He continued to talk and play and even smiled. So I guess no doctor needed. Just his daily dose of VP and more water.

I guess I am pissed. Since HK, me and Ace taking turns to feel unwell. First he was polka dotted cos of the milk.. then he got feverish cos of his jab.. and then after taking care of him and tiring myself.. I kenna the dam flu bug..

Such a waste of time to fall sick. Everything also cannot do. Everywhere also cannot go. And then must make other people take care of you. So ma fan! Plus you might also pass to other people and make them unwell. So paiseh!

But I guess I have a choice to react to it in 2 ways:

1) Oh my god! Ace is sick again! What am I going to do? Should he take medication? My god, why did I pass to him??? Why why why??? Why like tat? Why I cannot go out? Why I waste so much time?

2) Well, sometimes babies just need to be exposed to certain things to raise their immunity. I guess I am helping Ace update his Immune system. (read tat babies can update their immunity to the 200+ known strains of the flu virus.. one at a time.. an will be immuned if they catch it.)

But this is not a good way to do things. Makes a lot of extra work for everyone so I shall venture another way of helping Ace update his immunity. By eating well and having a healthy body so that he drinks good quality milk and have strong immunity ;)

I chose the latter.

I think my family already bz enough without me going crazy about why Ace is sick again.

My mum and dad and 2 grandmothers take turn to take care of Ace and me.. and my hubby also.. while being so bz, (yeah lor..he so bz until I feel like I haven’t seen him in 5 days.. never been away from him for so long since we got married man!) still managed to pack and clean the house, wash clothes, etc etc.. I must quickly recover and be good wife so that he can relax a little and enjoy a little..

Wouldn’t you have done the same?

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